
I am working on Probability Theory. In particular, my curent interest focuses on interacting particle

systems, random walks, random graphs and random polynomials. My papers are available on arXiv.

Publications and preprints

1. Metastability for the contact process on the configuration model with infinite mean degree,

(with Bruno Schapira), Electron. J. Probab. 20, no. 26, 22 pp (2015).

2. Contact process on one-dimensional long range percolation,

Electron. Commun. Probab. 20, no. 93, 11 pp (2015)

3. Metastability for the contact process on the preferential attachment graph,

arXiv:1502.05633, Internet Mathematics, 45 pp (2017).

4. Critical behavior of the annealed Ising model on random regular graphs,

J. Stat. Phys. 169, 480 - 503 (2017).

5. A Cramér type moderate deviation theorem for the critical Curie-Weiss model,

(with Viet-Hung Pham), Electron. Commun. Probab. 22, no. 62, 12 pp (2017).

6. Super-exponential extinction time of the contact process on random geometric graphs,

Combin. Probab. Comput. 27, 162 - 185 (2018).

7. Exponential extinction time of the contact process on rank-one inhomogeneous random

graphs, J. Theor. Probab. 32, 106 - 130 (2019).

8. Annealed limit theorems for the Ising model on random regular graphs,

Ann. Appl. Probab. 29, 1398 - 1445 (2019).

9. Persistence probability of random Weyl polynomials, (with Viet-Hung Pham),

Journal of Statistical Physics. 176, 262-277 (2019).

10. Passage time of the frog model has a sublinear variance (with Shuta Nakajima),

Electronic Journal of Probability. 24, 1-27 (2019).

11. Persistence probability of a random polynomial arising from evolution game theory,

(with Viet-Hung Pham and Manh Hong Duong),

Journal of Applied Probability. 56, 870-890 (2019).

12. Limit theorems for the one dimensional random walk with random resetting to the

maximum (with Thai Son Doan, Van Quyet Nguyen),

Journal of Statistical Physics, 183, no 21 (2021).

13. Glauber dynamics for Ising models on random regular graphs: cut-off and metastability,

(with Remco van der Hofstad, Takashi Kumagai), ALEA, Latin American Journal of Probability

and Mathematical Statistics. 18, 1441–1482 (2021).

14. Annealed Ising model on configuration model (with Cristian Giardina, Claudio Giberti,

Remco van der Hofstad), Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 58, 134-163 (2022).

15. Annealed inhomogeneities in random ferromagnets (with Cristian Giardina, Claudio Giberti,

Remco van der Hofstad), Phys. Rev. E. 105, 024128 (2022).

16. Random connection models in the thermodynamic regime: central limit theorems for

add-one cost stabilizing functionals (with Khanh Duy Trinh),

Electron. J. Probab. 27, no. 36, 1-40 (2022).

17. Spectral dimension of simple random walk on a long-range percolation cluster

(with David Croydon, Takashi Kumagai), Electron. J. Probab. 27, no. 56, 1-40 (2022).

18. On the expected number of real roots of random polynomials arising from evolutionary

game theory (with Viet-Hung Pham and Manh Hong Duong), arXiv:2010.14198

to appear Communications in Mathematical Sciences.