

The purpose of this site is to serve as a ToolKit for hospital librarians and other information professionals who need resources to plan out a library space, advocate for themselves or improve their skills. This is intended to be a dynamic ToolKit that will change as resources are discovered. If you have a suggestion for ToolKit additions, please send an email to the address listed below.

This section provides librarians with an idea of what they need to do to communicate their value to the organization by speaking the language of hospital administrators.

The purpose of this section is to provide selected resources and thoughts on creating an inviting library space that will be used by various user groups.

This compilation of resources is intended to assist librarians in enhancing their skills, becoming a more essential part of the healthcare team and hospitals where they work.

Link to the Vital Pathways project located on the MLA website. The intent of this project is to provide a bibliography on topics that address the value librarians and library services provide to hospitals and health care professionals.