
Course coordinator and teacher for the following courses (EDHEC Business School)

2015 - , Managerial Economics

2015 - , Market Structure and Strategic Firm Behavior

2015 - , Business Economics - Microeconomics

Course coordinator and teacher for the following courses (Maastricht University)

2009 - 2015, Equilibrium Theory (Research Master).

2009 - 2015, Industrial Organization (Research Master).

2009 - 2013, International Competition Policy (3rd year bachelor).

2010 - 2015, Writing a master thesis (Master in Economics ).

2012 - 2013, History of economic thought (1st year bachelor).

2012 - 2013, Micro/Macro Economics (1st year bachelor).

2013 - 2015, Internet economics (Master in Economics).

2013 - 2015, Market Regulation and Information Economics (Master in Economics).

Administrative duties (Maastricht University)

2009 - , coordinator of the master track 'Competition and regulation'.

2010 - , master thesis coordinator for the department of economcis.