

[12] On the asymptotic distribution of the maximum sample spectral coherence of Gaussian time series in the high-dimensional regime,

P. Loubaton, A. Rosuel, P. Vallet,

Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 194, 2023.

[11] On the detection of low-rank signal in the presence of spatially uncorrelated noise: a frequency domain approach

A. Rosuel, P. Vallet, P. Loubaton, X. Mestre, 

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 69, 2021.

[10] On the resolution probability of conditional and unconditional maximum likelihood DoA estimation,

X. Mestre, P. Vallet, 

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 68, 2020.

[9] On the performance of MUSIC with Toeplitz rectification in the context of large arrays,

P. Vallet, P. Loubaton,

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 65, No. 22, 2017.

[8] Correlation tests and linear spectral statistics of the sample correlation matrix,

X. Mestre, P. Vallet,

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 63, No. 7, 2017

[7] Performance analysis of spatial smoothing schemes in the context of large arrays,

G-T. Pham, P. Loubaton, P. Vallet,

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 64, No. 1, 2016.

[6] Performance analysis of an improved MUSIC DoA estimator,

P. Vallet, X. Mestre, P. Loubaton,

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 63, No. 23, 2015.

[5] On bilinear forms based on the resolvent of large random matrices,

W. Hachem, P. Loubaton, J. Najim, P. Vallet,

Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques, Vol. 49, No. 1, 2013.

[4] A subspace estimator for fixed rank perturbations of large random matrices,

W. Hachem, P. Loubaton, X. Mestre, J. Najim, P. Vallet,

Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 114, 2013.

[3] Large information plus noise random matrix models and consistent subspace estimation in large sensor networks,

W. Hachem, P. Loubaton, X. Mestre, J. Najim, P. Vallet,

Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2012.

[2] Improved subspace estimation for multivariate observations of high dimension: the deterministic signal case,

P. Vallet, P. Loubaton, X. Mestre,

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 58, No. 2, 2012.

[1] Almost sure localization of the eigenvalues in a gaussian information plus noise model. Application to the spiked models.,

P. Loubaton, P. Vallet,

Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol. 16, 2011.

International conferences

[23]  Change detection in the covariance structure of high-dimensional Gaussian low-rank models

R. Beisson, P. Vallet, A. Giremus, G. Ginolhac, 

IEEE International Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), July 2021.

[22] On the frequency domain detection of high-dimensional time series

A. Rosuel, P. Vallet, P. Loubaton, X. Mestre, 

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona (Spain), May 2020.

[21] Performance analysis of a low-rank detector under training data contamination,

P. Vallet, G. Ginolhac, F. Pascal, P. Forster,

IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Guadeloupe (France), December 2019.

[20] An improved low-rank detector in the high dimensional regime,

P. Vallet, G. Ginolhac, F. Pascal, P. Forster,

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton (England), May 2019.

[19] On the statistical performance of MUSIC for distributed sources

O. Najim, P. Vallet, G. Ferré, X. Mestre,

IEEE International Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Palma de Mallorca (Spain), June 2016.

[18] Extended GLRT detectors of correlation and sphericity: the undersampled regime,

X. Mestre, P. Vallet,

23th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Nice (France), September 2015.

[17] A statistical comparison between MUSIC and G-MUSIC,

P. Vallet, P. Loubaton, X. Mestre, 

IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane (Australia), April 2015.

[16] Performance analysis of spatial smoothing schemes in the context of large arrays,

G-T. Pham, P. Loubaton, P. Vallet,

IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane (Australia), April 2015.

[15] Asymptotic analysis of linear spectral statistics of the sample coherence matrix,

X. Mestre, P. Vallet, W. Hachem,

IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane (Australia), April 2015.

[14] Combining two phase codes to extend the radar unambiguous range and get a trade-off in terms of performance of any clutter,

T. Rouffet, E. Grivel, P. Vallet, C. Enderli, S. Kemkemian,

IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane (Australia), April 2015.

[13] Design of a multi-resolution phase-coded waveform in the presence of a colored Gaussian clutter,

T. Rouffet, P. Vallet, E. Grivel, C. Enderli, B. Joseph, S. Kemkemian,

International Radar Conference, Lille (France), October 2014.

[12] Correlation test for high dimensional data with application to signal detection in sensor networks,

X. Mestre, P. Vallet, W. Hachem,

22th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lisbon (Portugal), September 2014.

[11] Asymptotic analysis of Beamspace-MUSIC in the context of large arrays,

P. Vallet, X. Mestre, P. Loubaton, R. Couillet,

IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), A Coruña (Spain), June 2014.

[10] Toeplitz rectification and DoA estimation with MUSIC

P. Vallet, P. Loubaton,

IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence (Italy), May 2014.

[9] On the resolution probability of conditional and unconditional maximum likelihood DoA estimation

X. Mestre, P. Vallet, W. Hachem,

21th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Marrakech (Morroco), September 2013.

[8] A CLT for the G-MUSIC DoA estimator,

P. Vallet, X. Mestre, P. Loubaton,

20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Bucharest (Romania), August 2012.

[7] On the consistency of likelihood penalization methods in large sensor networks,

P. Vallet, P. Loubaton, X. Mestre,

IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), Hoboken (USA), June 2012.

[6] Improved estimation of the logarithm of the covariance matrix,

X. Mestre, F. Rubio, P. Vallet,

IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), Hoboken (USA), June 2012.

[5] Asymptotic analysis of a consistent subspace estimator for observations of increasing dimensions,

X. Mestre, P. Vallet, P. Loubaton and W. Hachem,

IEEE International Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Nice (France), June 2011.

[4] On the consistency of the G-MUSIC DoA estimator,

P. Vallet, W. Hachem, P. Loubaton, X. Mestre and J. Najim,

IEEE International Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Nice (France), June 2011.

[3] An improved MUSIC algorithm based on low rank perturbation of large random matrices,

P. Vallet, W. Hachem, P. Loubaton, X. Mestre and J. Najim,

IEEE International Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Nice (France), June 2011.

[2] A G-estimator of the MIMO channel ergodic capacity,

P. Vallet and P. Loubaton,

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Seoul (South Korea), June-July 2009.

[1] Improved subspace DoA estimation with large arrays: the deterministic signal case,

P. Vallet, P. Loubaton and X. Mestre,

IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Taipei (Taiwan), April 2009.

French conferences

[8] Un test d'indépendance mutuelle entre un grand nombre de signaux,

P. Vallet, P. Loubaton

29ème Colloque GRETSI, Grenoble (France), September 2023.

[7] Détection de changements dans les modèles gaussiens de rang K appliquée à l'imagerie SAR,

R. Beisson, G. Ginolhac, P. Vallet, A. Giremus, 

29ème Colloque GRETSI, Grenoble (France), September 2023.

[6] Cohérence spectrale et test de corrélation en grande dimension,

A. Rosuel, P. Vallet, P. Loubaton, 

28ème Colloque GRETSI, Nancy (France), September 2022.

[5] Détection de changements dans les modèles gaussiens de rang 1,

R. Beisson, P. Vallet, A. Giremus, G. Ginolhac,

28ème Colloque GRETSI, Nancy (France), September 2022.

[4] Analyse d'un GLRT pour la détection de cibles étendues,

T. Rouffet, P. Vallet, E. Grivel, C. Enderli, B. Joseph, S. Kemkemian,  

25ème Colloque GRETSI, Lyon (France), September 2015.

[3] Sur la capacité de résolution des méthodes sous-espace,

P. Vallet and P. Loubaton, 

24ème Colloque GRETSI, Brest (France), September 2013.

[2] Spiked models et détection de sources dans les grands réseaux de capteurs,

P. Vallet and P. Loubaton,

23ème Colloque GRETSI, Bordeaux (France), September 2011.

[1] Sur l'estimation de la capacité ergodique des grands systèmes MIMO,

P. Vallet and P. Loubaton,

22ème Colloque GRETSI, Dijon (France), September 2009.

Ph.D dissertation

Random matrix theory and applications to statistical signal processing,

P. Vallet,

Université Paris-Est/Marne-la-Vallée, November 2011.