Speaking & Teaching

Policy & advocacy events

  • World Cities Culture Forum, December 2021.

  • Goethe Institut, What Makes a Creative City? Shaping Next Generation Cities, 25 March 2021.

  • Fondazione Unipolis, Il ruolo della cultura per lo sviluppo sostenibile, 30 November 2020.

  • Regione Campania, Conference "Europa Creativa 2021-2027: Innovazione e cross-settorialità per le ICC", Cultura, Creatività e Territorio - Perché prendere cultura e creatività sul serio in vista della programmazione 2021-2027, 12 November 2020.

  • "Creativity Trade Fair" by Puglia Creativa, Perché prendere l’industria creativa sul serio, 09 October 2020.

  • Adeste+ European Conference - 1st episode: “Culture’s place in our lives”, Cultural participation in pre-COVID times: Taking stock to bounce ‘forward’ sustainable development, 31 August 2020.

  • Workshop "How creative is your city?" @ the European Week of Regions and Cities, focused on the uptake of the CCCM and involving three testimonial cities (Bologna, Bilbao and Umeå), 11 October 2019, Brussels (Belgium).

  • Conference "The Role of Cultural Heritage in Building a Europe of Citizens", organised by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the Region of Castilla y León, 04 May 2018, Burgos (Spain).

  • TEDxVarese talk "Quanto conta la cultura nelle nostre città?" at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, 02 March 2018, Ispra.

  • CNA Next - Emilia Romagna, "Creatività e innovazione per lo sviluppo socio-economico locale", 21 June 2017, Ferrara (Italy).

  • Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders: "How can unofficial data sources help measure cultural and creative activities in Europe?", 21 October 2016, Budapest (Hungary).

  • European Parliament - CULT Committee: Presentation of the Study “Feasibility Study on data collection and analysis in the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) in the EU”, 15 March 2016, Brussels (Belgium).

  • IETM Satellite Meeting: "Key findings from the 'Feasibility Study on Data Collection and Analysis in the Cultural and Creative Sectors in the EU", 7 March 2016, Paris (France).

  • Council of the EU - Cultural Affairs Committee (CAC): Presentation of the Study “Feasibility Study on data collection and analysis in the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) in the EU”, 14 December 2015, Brussels (Belgium).

  • Eurostat - Culture Statistics WG meeting, “Feasibility Study on data collection and analysis in the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) in the EU - Preliminary findings”, 29 April 2015, Luxembourg (Luxembourg).

  • International Conference Culture and Development - Culture 2020 Studies, organised by the Secretary of State for Culture of Portugal: “Round table on Evidence-based policy making”, 16 April 2015, Lisbon (Portugal).

  • “Cross creativity”, Intervention on “EU funding opportunities for cross-innovation”, 19 June 2014, Milano (Italy).

  • LIBREX, Presentation of “Iaşi - a CCIs’ mapping: objectives and methodology”, 12 March 2014, Iaşi (Romania).

  • “Developing Artistic Creativity in European Cities” - New ways in crisis situations” conference, intervention on “Nurturing a Creative Europe”, 7 February 2013, Miercurea Ciuc (Romania).

  • UNESCO Creative Cities Network - Annual Meeting: “The relation between creative industries and traditional sectors”, 21 September 2013, Bologna (Italy).

  • European Parliament - CULT Committee: Presentation of the Study “The Use of Structural Funds for Cultural Projects”, 19 September 2012, Brussels (Belgium).

  • Medimex, “Cultura per lo sviluppo locale, l'occupazione,la coesione e la crescita. Sfruttare al massimo i fondi strutturali!”, intervention on “Cultura e Fondi Strutturali: sfide e opportunità”, 30 November 2012, Bari (Italy).

  • “Le Marche nello scenario di Europa 2020: le imprese culturali e creative”, intervention on “Innovation and culture in 2014-2020”, 22 November 2012, Ancona (Italy).

  • Ravello Lab, Key Note Speech on “Culture: a European perspective”, 27 October 2012, Ravello (Italy).

  • Workshop on Creative Clusters in the framework of the FP7 project CreativeCh, invited at the expert panel on behalf of the FP7 project KiiCS, 18 April 2012, Stuttgart (Germany).

  • Workshop on “Innovation ecologies”, organised by North Rhine-Westphalia’s creative industry cluster management CREATIVE.NRW, 29 February 2012, Brussels (Belgium).

  • CREA.RE Conference (INTERREG), presentation of the study “Towards a “Benchmarking Raster”: A selection of indicators to measure policies for culture and creative industries”, 20-21 March 2012, Gothenburg (Sweden).

  • “L’Arte di Innovare”, a talk on “Finanziare l’Innovazione”, 17-18 May 2011, Forlì (Italy).

Research seminars & teaching

  • Rete Teatrale Aretina - Festival dello Spettatore, Giornata di studi: Sostenibilità della Cultura - Cultura della Sostenibilità, 22 October 2021.

  • Zurich Centre for Creative Economies (ZCCE), Creative Economies Forum 2021 (Panel discussion), 8 September 2021.

  • Università di Bologna - Scuola di Economia e Management, Institutional funding raising for culture: EU intervention logic and 2021-2027 opportunities, 26-28 May 2021.

  • MAXXI Museum, La cultura si conta. Indicatori, dati e strumenti per progettare e valutare, 24 March 2021.

  • Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena, PNRR e fondi europei: l’impianto della manovra, 25 January 2021 (slides below).

  • First conference of the MUR TeCHNIC project – Tools for Cultural heritage Management in Urban Context, Città creative a prova di misura - Il Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor @ Catania: la città antica e quella del futuro, 20 January 2021.

  • TERRITORIO E PROGETTUALITÀ by Università Iuav di Venezia, The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor: A tool supporting cities in shaping their policies and measuring the impact of culture, 16 December 2020.

  • Associazione Impasse, WHO'S ART FOR? #2, Nuovi modelli organizzativi contro il precariato culturale, 18 December 2020.

  • Data for Sustainable Cultural Policymaking, Collegio di Milano A.Y. 2020-21, October - December 2020, webinars series.

  • Formazione MAXXI, Città Come Cultura – Cultura e post pandemia. Come reagiscono le città?, 12 June 2020.

  • Collegio di Milano, Assessing the importance of culture for cities, 22 April 2020, Milan.

  • Universidad de Zaragoza - Seminar: Cultura y territorio. Las actividades culturales en las pequeñas y medianas ciudades, The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor 2019: major novelties and key findings, 30-31 January 2020, Huesca (Spain).

  • 26th ENCATC Congress "Beyond EYCH2018. What is the cultural horizon? Opening up perspectives to face ongoing transformations", 26 September 2018, Bucharest.

  • 58th ERSA Congress – Special session "Culture-led development: theories and evidence", 31 August 2018, Cork.

  • OECD Summer Academy on Cultural and Creative Industries and Local Development, 14 June 2018, Trento.

  • Università Cattolica di Milano - Urban Cultural Studies Course, Seminar: The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor: a new monitoring tool to understand and boost culture-led development, 5 Octobre 2017, Milan.

  • UNESCO Expert Workshop on Measuring Culture in SDGs in Cities, 29 to 31 January 2017, Paris.

  • Seminario "Futuro delle periferie" - MiBACT e ANCI, 28 March 2017, Parma.

  • Seminario “La valutazione degli impatti in ambito culturale” - Scuola Umbra di Amministrazione Pubblica, Lecture: “La valutazione degli impatti di Perugia 2019”, 30 September 2014, Perugia.

  • Master class on Matching Public and Private Interests in the Cultural Sector for Boosting Local Development, Lecture: “The Use of Structural Funds for Cultural Projects”, 25 October 2012, Bari.

  • Summer School in ECONOMICS of CULTURE: CREATIVITY, HAPPINESS AND GROWTH, Lecture: “Cultural industries and spill-over effects”, Tor Vergata University - School of Economics, 19 July 2012, Rome.

  • Second research seminar “Creative Regions in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities”, organised by the Regional Studies Association Research Network, presentation of the study “Towards a “Benchmarking Raster”: A selection of indicators to measure policies for culture and creative industries”, 21-22 September 2011, Poznan.

  • Seminar “Centre/Periphery: Devolution/Federalism – New Trends in Cultural Policy”, presentation of the paper “Decentralisation and devolution in Italian cultural policies. How micro-practices should inspire macro-policies”, 16 October 2009, City University – London.
