
Main Research Interests:


International Macro and Finance

Financial Economics

Research Statement 

Working Papers:

Learning Optimal Behavior Through Reasoning and Experiences, with Cosmin Ilut, March 2024 

Preliminary and Incomplete: A bounded rationality framework bridging economics and reinforcement learning,  with learning optimal behavior through both deliberative reasoning and accumulated experiences. 

Exchange Rate Disconnect Revisited, with Ryan Chahrour, Vito Cormun, Pierre De Leo and Pablo Guerron, June 2024 [slides]

Abstract: Exchange rate fluctuations are tightly linked to noisy expectations of future TFP. The transmission of these noisy news shocks to exchange rate is primarily through deviations from interest parity. 

Risky Business Cycles, with Susanto Basu, Giacomo Candian, and Ryan Chahrour, March 2023, R&R at the Journal of Political Economy [slides] [short slides]

Abstract: A shock explaining most changes in equity risk premia also explains most business-cycle comovements in aggregates. A real model with labor frictions and changes in risk aversion explains these facts.

Biased Surveys, with Luca Gemmi, August 2023, R&R at the Journal of Monetary Economics [slides

Abstract: We posit and find supportive evidence of strategic incentives biasing surveys of professional forecasters

Dynamic Information Acquisition and Portfolio BiasJune 2017

Abstract: Dynamic information acquisition leads to portfolio bias and coordination in international investment.

Published Papers:

The Dollar in and Era of International Retrenchment, with Ryan Chahrour, IMF Economic Review, Forthcoming

Abstract: The recent geo-economic fragmentation is still unlikely to change the international position of the dollar, but even deeper fragmentation could lead to regionally-dominant currencies.

Economic Agents as Imperfect Problem Solvers, [slides] with Cosmin Ilut 

 Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2023, Volume 138, Issue 1, Pages 313-362

Abstract: Bounded rationality model of costly cognition about optimal behavior, capturing System 1 and 2 thinking

-- funded by NSF Grant 1824405

[Online Appendix] [Replication Codes]

Beyond Home Bias: Information and Portfolio Holdings Heterogeneity, with Filippo De Marco and Marco Macchiavelli

 The Review of Financial Studies, September 2022, Volume 35, Issue 9, Pages 4387–4422

Abstract: We show both empirically and theoretically that information frictions are important determinants of international portfolio holdings

-- subsumes  a previous draft titled "International Diversification and Information Heterogeneity"

[Online Appendix] [Replication Codes]

Trade Finance and the Durability of the Dollar, with Ryan Chahrour

 Review of Economic Studies, July 2022, Volume 89, Issue 4, Pages 1873–1910

Abstract: Persistent and endogenous "dominant currency" regimes due to the need for safe assets guaranteeing international trade. 

-- subsumes  a previous draft titled "The International Medium of Exchange"

[Online Appendix] [Replication Codes]

Paralyzed By Fear: Rigid and Discrete Pricing under Demand Uncertainty, with Cosmin Ilut and Nicolas Vincent

  Econometrica, September 2020, vol. 88, no. 5 (pp. 1899-1938)

Abstract: Theory of price rigidity, memory and discreteness built on demand function uncertainty

[Online Appendix] [Replication Codes]

Bond Convenience Yields and Exchange Rate Dynamics

 AEJ: Macroeconomics, April 2020, vol. 12, no.2 (pp. 124-66) 

Abstract: Theory of time-varying and cyclical currency excess returns due to endogenous convenience yield differentials.

[Online Appendix] [Replication Codes]

Resting Papers: 

"Real Estate Investors and the Housing Boom and Bust", with Jaromic Nosal and Ryan Chahrour

"Speculation and Hedging in CDS Markets: A Structural Estimation", with Lily Liu

Discussions (not complete list)

Expectations and the UIP Puzzles when Foresight is Limited, by Seunghoon Na and Yinxi Xie, NBER Summer Institute 2024

International Capital Markets and Wealth Transfers, by Magnus Dahlquist, Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen, Anna Pavlova and Julien Penasse, Paul Woolley Conference, LSE June 2023

The Convenience Yield, Inflation Expectations, and Public Debt Growth, by Zhiyu Fu, Jian Li, and Yinxi Xie, MFA March 2023

When Green Investors are Green Consumers, by Maxime Sauzet and Olivier Zerbib, GLMM September 2022
