Courses Taught in NTU

BR7374: Seminar in Entrepreneurship

Ph.D. Seminar in Entrepreneurship (3 Academic Units) compulsory for all Ph.D. students in the SIE division

TP6201: Entrepreneurial Decision Making

Elective module (3 Academic Units) for Master of Science in Technopreneurship and Innovation Program (MSc TIP)

ET5213: Managing New Ventures

Compulsory module (3 Academic Units) for students taking the Second Major in Entrepreneurship

ML0004: Career and Innovative Enterprise for the Future World

One of Seven Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC) Course (2 Academic Units) compulsory for all NTU undergrad students 

ET9121: Introduction to Entrepreneurship/ ET9131 or ET5131: Venturing Into Entrepreneurship/ ET5211: Entrepreneurial Mindset and Technology Innovation

Elective course (3 Academic Units) open to all NTU undergrad students; compulsory module for students taking the Second Major in Entrepreneurship and Minor in Entrepreneurship

SP0006 / SP0072: Enterprise, Innovation and Leadership

Elective course (3 Academic Units) open to students in the University Scholars Program (USP)

CY0006: Enterprise, Innovation and Leadership

Compulsory course (3 Academic Units) for students in the C.N. Yang Scholars Program (2017-2020)

ET0001: Enterprise and Innovation

Compulsory online-only course (1 Academic Unit) for all NTU undergrad students (2015-2020)