Practice Sessions


Practice sessions are held on Lake Washington or in the pool. Right now, the UW pools are under maintenance and we're paddling on the lake while working to find other indoor locations for the winter. At practice sessions, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • learn the kayak fundamentals, including self-rescue techniques and paddle strokes

  • work on more advanced skills like rolling or flatwater freestyle tricks

  • go up against your friends in a game of kayak polo (like water polo but with boats!)

Everyone is required to participate in at least one session per academic year before they can use the boats or go on trips. This ensures that all club members are up to date on safety skills and club practices.

Where to go

We meet outside the Waterfront Activities Center (WAC) at the ASUW Shell House. The exact location is marked on this map.

When to show up

Exact dates TBD.

Please arrive on time and plan to stay for the entire session (2-3 hours). There will be time at the end of the session to finish signing up for the club.

Lake sessions during the summer are scheduled on the fly. Look for a message from the mailing list or send your own email if you'd like to organize one.

What to bring

If you are attending your first session of the year, please make sure you have filled out the appropriate forms/waivers. For indoor pool sessions, you will need appropriate pool clothing and a towel. For outdoor lake sessions, see this page for what to bring. All kayaking equipment will be provided, including boats, paddles, PFDs, wetsuits, and dry tops.