What to bring to a lake practice session

  • Warm layers that you don't mind getting wet - wool, pile or polypro sweater/shirt and shorts/swimsuit to go under a wet suit.

  • Old sneakers you don't mind getting wet (or neoprene booties, if you have them). Wear wool socks inside these, not cotton! Tuck shoelace loops and ends under the crossed-over parts of the laces between the eyelets, since loose loops could get caught on your footpedals and trap you inside the boat during a capsize!

  • Sunscreen

  • A few dollars for gas (if paddling off campus)

  • Snacks and water

  • Towel and change of clothes

  • Nose/ear plugs (optional)

  • Rain coat if it is raining - to finish signing up for the club after the lake session