*By & about faculty

  Publications by & about UW Architecture faculty:

(partial/preliminary list; additions/corrections welcome: marga@margaink.com)

Alex T. Anderson: The Problem of The House: French Domestic Life and the Rise of Modern Architecture (UW Press 2006)

Steve Badanes:  Devil's Workshop: 25 Years of Jersey Devil Architecture (Susan Piedmont-Palladino; Princeton Architectural Press 1997); Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism (w/ Bryan Bell, Katie Wakeford, Roberta Feldman, Sergio Palleroni, Katie Swenson, Thomas Fisher; Metropolis Books 2008); Design/Build with Jersey Devil (Princeton Architectural Press 2016) ; KING5 Evening 5/22/23:  Fremont Troll  

Anne Marie Borys:  Vincenzo Scamozzi and the Chorography of Early Modern Architecture (Ashgate 2014); American Unitarian Churches:  Architecture of a Democratic Religion (University of Massachusetts Press, 2021)

David Bonsteel & James Donnette: The Suzzallo Quad: A Computed-Graphics Simulation of Sequential Experience (UW CAUP Development Series 1969)

Thomas Bosworth:  Building with Light in the Pacific Northwest:  The Houses of Thomas L. Bosworth, Architect (Erika Rosenfeld; Oro 2007)

Renée Cheng:  Integrated Project Delivery: An Action Guide for Leaders (w/ Markku Allison, Howard Ashcraft, Sue Klawens, James Pease; Integrated Project Delivery Alliance (IPDA), Center for Innovation in the Design and Construction Industry (CIDCI); Charles Pankow Foundation 2018);  "A Framework for Equity" (Chandos 9/28/2020)

Francis D. K. Ching:  Residential Building Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the 2009 International Residential Code (w/ Steven R. Winkel, David S. Collins, Steven P. Juroszek; Wiley 2010); Design Drawing Illustrated (w/ Steven Juroszek; Wiley 2010); Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design (w/ Barry Onouye & Douglas Zuberbuhler; Wiley 2011);  A Global History of Architecture (w/ Vikramaditya Prakash & Steve Juroszek; Wiley 2011); Introduction to Architecture (w/ James F. Eckler; Wiley 2012); Interior Design Illustrated (w/ Corky Binggeli; Wiley 2012); Building Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the 2012 International Building Code (w/ Steven Winkel; Wiley 2012); Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design (2nd ed. Wiley 2013) Green Building Illustrated (w/ Ian M. Shapiro; Wiley 2014); Building Construction Illustrated (Wiley 2014); Architecture: Form, Space, and Order (Wiley 2014)

Meredith L. Clausen: Frantz Jourdain and the Samarataine: Art Nouveau Theory and Criticism (UW Press 1987); Spiritual Space:  The Religious Architecture of Pietro Belluschi (UW Press 1998); Pietro Belluschi: Modern American Architect (MIT Press 1999); The Pan Am Building and the Shattering of the Modernist Dream (MIT Press 2004)

Lee G. Copeland:  Place (2015)

Jacob William Curtis:  A World Home: Vashtu Shastra for a Modern World (2003)

Jim Diers:   "Winner, Winner -- Seagull Dinner!,"  The Seattle Times Pacific NW 2023 Reader Photo of the Year (2/25/24)
Elizabeth M. Golden: Building from Tradition: Local Materials and Methods in Contemporary Architecture (Routledge 2018)

Carl F. Gould:  Carl F. Gould: A Life in Architecture and the Arts (T.William Booth & William Wilson; UW Press 1995); Carl Freylinghausen Gould (Heather McIntosh; HistoryLink 1998)

Richard Haag: The Landscape Architecture of Richard Haag (Thaisa Way; UW Press 2015)

Grant HildebrandDesigning for Industry: The Architecture of Albert Kahn (1974);  "Art, Architecture and the Pacific Northwest" (interview, 1988); The Wright Space: Pattern & Meaning in Frank Lloyd Wright's Houses (UW Press 1991); Origins of Architectural Pleasure (1999); A Thriving Modernism: The Houses of Wendell Lovett and Arne Bystrom (w/ T. William Booth; UW Press 2004); Frank Lloyd Wright's Palmer House (w/ Ann Eaton & Leonard K. Eaton; UW Press 2007); Elegant Explorations: The Designs of Phillip Jacobson (UW Press 2007); Suyama: A Complex Serenity (UW Press 2011); Gene Zema: Architect, Craftsman (UW Press 2012); A Greek Temple in French Prairie: the William Lowe House, French Prairie, Oregon 1858-59 (with Miriam Sutermeister; Society of Architectural Historians Pacific NW Chapter 2007), Autumn Leaves Poems 2004-2012; Gordon Walker: A Poetic Architecture (ARCADE 2019); Paul Hayden Kirk and the Puget Sound School (ARCADE 2021)

Anne C. Huppert: Becoming an Architect in Renaissance Italy: Art, Science, and the Career of Baldassare Peruzzi (Yale Press 2015)

Phillip Jacobson: Elegant Explorations: The Designs of Phillip Jacobson (Grant Hildebrand; UW Press 2007)

Brian R. Johnson: Design Computing (Routledge 2017)

Norman J. Johnston: Cities in the Round (UW Press 1983); Washington's Audacious State Capitol and Its Builders (UW Press 1998); The Campus Guide: University of Washington (Princeton Architectural Press 2001); The Fountain & the Mountain: The University of Washington Campus in Seattle (UW Press 2004); The College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 75 Years at the University of Washington: A Personal View(1991); A History and Directory of the AIA College of Fellows (AIA Press, 1992)

Douglas Kelbaugh: Common Place: Toward Neighborhood and Regional Design (UW Press 1997); Repairing the American Metropolis: Common Place Revisited (UW Press 2002); Writing Urbanism: A Design Reader (ed. with Kit McCullough, Routledge 2008); The Urban Fix:  Cities in the War against Climate Change, Heat Islands and Overpopulation (Routledge 2019)

Brian McLaren: Architecture and Tourism in Italian Colonial Libya:  An Ambivalent Modernism (UW Press 2006), Modern Architecture, Empire, & Race in Colonial Italy (Brill 2021)

Christopher Meek: Daylighting Design in the Pacific Northwest (UW Press 2012); Daylighting and Integrated Lighting Design (w/ Kevin Van Den Myelenberg; Routledge 2014)

Kathryn Rogers Merlino: Building Reuse: Sustainability, Preservation, and the Value of Design (UW Press 2018)

David Miller: Toward a New Regionalism: Environmental Architecture in the Pacific Northwest (UW Press 2006)

Marietta A. Millet:  Light Revealing Architecture (Wiley 1996)

Anne Vernez Moudon: Built for Change: Neighborhood Architecture in San Francisco (MIT Press 1986); Public Streets for Public Use (Columbia University Press 1991)

Robert Mugerauer: Interpretations on Behalf of Place: Environmental Displacements and Alternative Responses (State University of New York Press 1994); Interpreting Environments: Tradition, Deconstruction, Hermeneutics (University of Texas Press 1995); Environmental Dilemmas: Ethical Decision Making (w/ Lynn Manzo; Lexington Press 2008)

Ibsen Nelsen:  Ibsen Nelsen (David Wilma; HistoryLink 2001)

Jim Nicholls,  Glenn Murcutt: University of Washington Master Studios and Lectures (Ed.; UW Press 2009); Roslyn WA Storefront Studio 2009 (Ed.)

Jeffrey Karl Ochsner: Shaping Seattle Architecture: A Historical Guide to the Architects (UW Press 1994); Distant Corner: Seattle Architects and the Legacy of H. H. Richardson (w/ Dennis Alan Andersen; UW Press 2003); Lionel H. Pries Architect, Artist, Educator (UW Press 2007); Furniture Studio: Materials, Craft and Architecture (UW Press 2012); Shaping Seattle Architecture: A Historical Guide to the Architects (2nd ed. 2014)

Barry Onouye: Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design (w/ Francis Ching & Douglas Zuberbuhler; Wiley 2011)  Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building Construction (w/ Kevin Kane; Prentice Hall 2011)

Ken Tadashi Oshima: Kiyonori Kikutake Between Land and Sea (Lars Muller Publishers 2015); Visions of the Real: Modern Houses in the 20th Century (ed. w/ Toshiko Kinoshita; Architecture and Urbanism 2000); Home Delivery: Fabricating the Modern Dwelling (w/ Rasmus Waern, Berry Bergdoll, Peter Christensen; Museum of Modern Art 2008); International Architecture in Interwar Japan (UW Press 2009); Arata Isozaki (w/ Arata Isozake; Press 2009); Architecturalized Asia: Mapping a Continent through History (ed. w/ Vimalin Rujivacharaki, H. Hazel Hahn; University of Hawaii Press 2014)

Sergio PalleroniStudio at Large: Architecture in Service of Global Communities (w/ Christina Merkelbach; UW Press 2004)

Rob Peña: Living Proof: The Bullitt Center (University of Washington 2015)

Vikramiditya Prakash: Chandigarh's Le Corbusier: The Struggle for Modernity in Postcolonial India (UW Press 2002); A Global History of Architecture (w/ Mark Jarzombek & Francis D. K. Ching; Wiley 2011); One Continuous Line:  Art, Architecture and Urbanism of Aditya Prakash (Mapin Publishing 2021); Rethinking Global Modernism:  Architectural Historiography and the Postcolonial (w/ Maristella Casciato & Daniel E. Coslett; Routledge 2021); A House Deconstructed (2021);  Revisiting Chandigarh and the Modernist Project:  A Post-Colonial Exploration (Routledge 2023); A House Deconstructed (w/ Mark Jarzombek,; Actar 2023); Le Corbusier's Chandigarh Revisited:  Preservation as Future Modernism (Routledge 2024); "Orcas Island Home," (NY Times, June 2024)

Lionel H. Pries:  Lionel H. Pries Architect, Artist, Educator (Jeffrey Karl Ochsner; UW Press 2007)

Gundula Proksch:  Creating Urban Agricultural Systems: An Integrated Approach to Design (Routledge 2017)

Hermann Pundt: Schinkel's Berlin: A Study in Environmental Planning (Harvard University Press 1972)

Kathrina Simonen: Life Cycle Assessment (Routledge 2014)

Tyler Sprague: Sculpture on a Grand Scale:  Jack Christiansen's Thin Shell Modernism (UW Press 2019)

Victor Steinbrueck:  Victor Steinbrueck (Heather McIntosh; HistoryLink 1998); A Guide to Seattle Architecture 1850-1953 (Reinhold 1953); Seattle Cityscape (UW Press 1962); Seattle Cityscape #2 (UW Press 1973); Market Sketchbook (UW Press 1978)

Daniel Streissguth:  In Love with a Hillside Garden (with Ann Streissguth & Benjamin Streissguth; UW Press 2009), "The Greater Gould" (UW Magazine 3/2021)

Sharon E. Sutton: Learning through the Built Environment: An Ecological Approach to Child Development (Irvington Press 1985); Weaving a Tapestry of Resistance: The Places, Power, and Poetry of a Sustainable Society (Bergin & Harvey 1996); Sutton The Paradox of Urban Space: Inequality and Transformation in Marginalized Communities (ed. w/ Susan P. Kemp; Palgrave Macmillan 2011); When Ivory Towers Were Black, A Story about Race in America's Cities and Universities (Oxford University Press 2017); The Pedagogy of Hope: Pursuing Democracy’s Promise through Place-Based Activism (Fordham University Press, 2021);   Pedagogy of a Beloved Community:  Preserving Diversity's Promise through Place-Based Activism  Fordham University Press, 2023)  

Harlan Thomas:  Harlan Thomas (Heather McIntosh; HistoryLink 1998)

Philip Thiel: Visual Awareness and Design: An Introductory Program in Perceptual Sensitivity, Conceptual Awareness, and Basic Design Skills (UW Press 1990); People, Paths, and Purposes: Notations for a Participatory Envirotecture (UW Press 1996); Freehand Drawing: A Primer (UW Press 1965)

George Tsutakawa:  George Tsutakawa (Deloris Tarzan Ament; HistoryLink 2003)

Astra Zarina:  I tetti de Roma: le terrazze, le altane, i belvedere (w/ Balthazar Korab; 1976); Astra Zarina (Jesse Russell & Ronald Cohn eds.; Book on Demand 2012); "A Story No Longer Untold: Astra Zarina's Influence on Modern Architecture" (Metropolis, July 26, 2019)

Douglas Zuberbuhler: Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design (w/ Francis Ching & Barry Onouye; Wiley 2011)

Note:  Shaping Seattle Architecture:  A Historical Guide to the Architects (edited by Jeffrey Karl Ochsner, UW Press 2014), includes essays on faculty members Carl Gould, Rich Haag, Lionel Pries, Victor Steinbrueck, & Harlan Thomas, & thumbnail sketches of other faculty members.