
Here you can make your contribution to the ongoing support of our chapter's work, including the financial assistance paid to help our good officers travel to assist colleagues in difficult situations, assist members facing financial challenges attend collegial gatherings, and support ministry to our youth through the Youth Chaplain program. Your contribution allows our chapter to continue growing and supporting our free faith across the many states we serve.

At this time we are offering the following options as pledge/dues guidance for members paying through our online payment processor (if paying by check, contact our treasurer Lisa Moore for an address)

Student- $22

Part-time Ministry- $44

Full-time Ministry- $66

Scholarships- $25/50/100 (or any other amount you wish to send, contact me for details to contribute another amount)

(Any amount you give beyond your basic dues will be used to support our scholarship fund that assists ministers and ministers in training who would like to participate in chapter events but need financial assistance. Include your gift with your dues, and we'll handle it from there.)

For more information about retreat scholarships, or a waiver of all dues, please contact our treasurer, Lisa Moore.

To make your contribution to the chapter, click on the dropdown menu above and select the ministry type applicable to your situation. Then if you want to make a scholarship contribution, click "Continue Shopping" on the PayPal page. After adding in your complete order, proceed to payment. If you already have a PayPal account you can use your stored information to complete your pledge. If you do not have a PayPal account you can click on the option to use your credit card without creating an account, visible on the lower left-hand side of the screen. In either case, please enter the amount of your donation first.