In Windows and Mac OS X
You can use VirtualBox to run USE Tracker in a Linux environment, without any change to your computer
(well, you'll need at least 5GB of disk space).
I'd recommend you to download and install VirtualBox from the official website.
Make sure you also install the VirtualBox extension pack available on that same page:
Then, download the preinstalled image :
To load it in VirtualBox, use the menu "File->Import appliance".
You can now run USE Tracker, but screen resolution is limited and you have no shared folders.
To fix this, install the guest additions of Virtual Box by using the menu "Device->Insert Guest Additions CD Image".
Double click on the file, and choose "Execute in terminal".
Don't be scared by the terminal, and type this line. You will be asked for the password (it is written on the desktop).
sudo ./
Once the installation is complete, you can shutdown the virtual machine.
Finally, let's add a shared folder. In Virtual Box, go to the settings of the virtual machine and add a shared folder.
You can pick up any, just make sure to name it "shared".
Now you can start the virtual machine with full resolution and access your personal files which are located in the shared folder.
You are done!
Check documentation to learn how to use USE Tracker.
In Linux
These instructions work for systems based on .deb packages such as Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, ...
You can download Ubuntu from this link:
Check this link to learn how to install ubuntu:
1. Make sure you are connected to internet, so that required dependencies can be downloaded and installed.
2. Make sure you have git installed on your system.
3. In a terminal, issue the commands:
git clone
cd useTracker
These lines download the latest version of useTracker. The script updates your computer and installs a number of dependencies, such as OpenCV, FFMpeg, wxWidgets, and some more.
Then it compiles the sources, and finally installs the program on your machine.
After installation, you can run the program by typing in a terminal :
Later, you can update useTracker by launching the script:
Source code
The project source code is hosted at GitHub. You can check the files, submit issues and more at this address:
- tested in Ubuntu 16.04 and working fine.
- tested in Lubuntu 14.04 and working fine.