
The Promises and Pitfalls of Using (Mostly) Low-Touch Coaching Interventions to Improve College Student Outcomes (with Philip Oreopoulos), The Economic Journal, 133 (656): 3034–3070. 2023.

Low-Touch Attempts to Improve Time Management among Traditional and Online College Students (with Philip Oreopoulos, Richard Patterson, and Nolan Pope), Journal of Human Resources, 57 (1): 1-43 . 2022.

Horizontal Differentiation and the Policy Effect of Charter Schools (with Michael Gilraine and John D. Singleton), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 13(3): 239-276. 2021.

Improving Non-Academic Student Outcomes Using Online and Text-Message Coaching (with Philip Oreopoulos, Christine Logel, and Graham Beattie), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 171: 342-360. 2020.

Goal Setting, Academic Reminders, and College Success: A Large-Scale Field Experiment (with Christopher R. Dobronyi and Philip Oreopoulos) Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 12(1): 38-66. 2019.

Student Coaching: How Far Can Technology Go? (with Philip Oreopoulos) Journal of Human Resources, 53(2): 299-329. 2018. 

Making College Worth It: A Review of the Returns to Higher Education (with Philip Oreopoulos). Future of Children, 23(1): 41 – 65. 2013.

Working Papers

School Choice, Competition, and Aggregate School Quality (with Michael Gilraine and John D. Singleton), 2023

A Quantitative Framework for Analyzing the Distributional Effects of Incentive Schemes (with Hugh Macartney and Robert McMillan), 2021

Teacher Value-Added and Economic Agency (with Hugh Macartney and Robert McMillan), 2019

Work in Progress

It Takes Time: The Asymmetric Impacts of Imposing and Removing a Teacher Incentive Scheme (with Michael Gilraine and Nolan G. Pope)

Testing three mindset interventions (with Christine Logel and Philip Oreopoulos)

Resting Papers

Experiences and Coping Strategies of College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic (with Christine Logel and Philip Oreopoulos), 2021