
Directions: Many examples of resumes can be found on the Internet. These guidelines along with the resume example on this site are intended to assist in succinctly constructing your resume. The resume is to be one page in length. You have the opportunity to expand on your resume via other nursing portfolio sections. 
Education History
  • List all post-secondary institutions attended (dates attended, major, degree)
  • List continuing education courses for the past two years
Employment History/Experience
  • Agency name
  • Description of agency (workplace, company, institution)
  • Position/Responsibilities
  • Personal contributions to agency
  • Briefly describe how this employment experience contributed to your growth as a nursing student
Professional Activities
  • Professional organizations (NSNA/STTI)
  • Membership in these activities
  • Briefly describe how these experiences have contributed to your growth as a nursing student
Volunteer/Community Activities
  • Agency name
  • Description of agency
  • Position/Responsibilities
  • Personal contributions to agency
  • Briefly describe how this volunteer experience contributed to your growth as a nursing student
  • Awards/Honors
  • Published Material
  • Leadership Positions
  • Involvement in professional and/or student organizations or honor societies