Bachelor of Commerce, Majors in Marketing and eCommerce

Bachelor of Commerce, Majors in Marketing and eCommerce 2) Offering institute (if through distance-learning) TMC, at Capitol Centre. 3) Awarding university Deakin University, a middle ranked Australian University, based in Victoria. 4) Length of course

3 years, 24 units.

8 units exempted because of Poly Diploma in Business Studies, so 16 units to do. Generally, you do 2-3 units per semester, depending on how 'on' you are.

5) Method of delivery:

-- a) Part-time

-- b) Distance-learning

-- c) Tutorials only / Self-learning (depends on the units, some units are offered with support, some are unsupported) Taught by local tutors, 3 hour tutes, at night or weekends. Occasional lectures given by visiting Aussie staff. Assignments and exams are exactly the same as the on campus students, though I noticed that extensions for assignments seem to flow freely for distance students.

6) Costs

A$1,100 per unit, I think this has gone up since I first started.

Thoughts and Comments:

I took this part time degree whilst I was in my NS, did 12 units in 1 1/2 years, then went over to finish up the rest on campus. Started in 2000, finished in 2002.

Honestly, I thought the teaching at TMC is totally sub-standard. This continues from the time I was studying in TMC till now. When I transferred on campus, I noted a very huge difference in the teaching styles. In TMC, they try to prepare you the best they can for assignments and exams, using their educated guesses at what should be important. However, when on campus, the tutors and lecturers give more importance to self learning and research, and giving and understanding of the subject matter.

I am now a member of Deakin's teaching staff in Melbourne, and I still vomit blood whenever I have to mark TMC assignments, as everyone in TMC seems to be 'misled' by their local tutor, and thus, everyone has the exact same mistakes.

Deakin does have good support for distance education students, with an online learning environment, on campus coordinators for distance students, who communicate online with you, as well as good feedback on assignments.

Subjects in Deakin are not very hard to study for and pass, but is quite hard to get the higher grades. There is no bell curve in place, and moderation only takes place if too many students do badly, so if you get the marks, you get the grade.

Grading System:

80 and Above: High Distinction

70-80: Distinction

60-70: Credit

50-60: Pass

50 and Below: Fail