Presbyterian Women
PURPOSE of Presbyterian Women
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves
*to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
*to support the mission of the church worldwide.
*to work for justice and peace and
*to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
Every year we sponsor an “ecumenical” Bible study through February and March. About 15 members and friends enjoy study and fellowship. At Christmas, we visit shut-ins and friends of the Church with gifts of cookies. We assist families in their bereavement. Our members volunteered monthly at Heartland Christian Village, working on the second Tuesday to assist residents at breakfast and lunch, supply ice and water to the rooms and set up the dining rooms. Several members also work at Heartland as called when other churches are unable to send volunteers. We host the January birthday party, supplying cakes and gifts, and we also cooperate with members from First Christian Church of Neoga to supply refreshments and host one of the Christmas parties at HCV.
Mission work is an important activity for PW. We continue our financial support of Marion Medical Mission and contribute funds to construct shallow wells to provide potable water to hundreds of people. We support Kemmerer Village through monetary contributions. We also make donations to the Neoga Community Food Pantry, where one of our members serve on the board of directors; the American Red Cross, where a member serves as local chairman of the blood drives; Camp Carew in Illinois; and P.A.D.S. in Mattoon. In the difficult economic environment, we give additionally to emergency calls from the Neoga Ministerial Alliance, the coat project and Christmas project at First Christian Church, and P.A.D.S.
These PW activities and mission endeavors are supported by fund-raising projects including the continuing sale of pie dough. With the income from these activities, we hope to continue our work in the church, the community and the world.