May 8/9 Update

Post date: May 8, 2014 4:33:38 AM

319: N827UA sked to exit LCQ 2172/190May with slimline seats/bins - N837UA sked to enter LCQ 2171/9May - N844UA entered LCQ 2139/7May - - - - 320: n416UA exited LCQ 2140/8May - - - - 73G: N13718 sked to enter AMA 2141/8May - - - - 739: N38424 sked to exit AMA 2142/8May - N36472 sked to exit INT 2131/10May with WiFi - N38473 entered INT 2130/9May - N69804 entered INT 2144/8May - N68805 exited INT 2143/7May with WiFi - N64809 exited INT 12158/9May with WiFi - N69810 entered INT 2157/8May for WiFi - N69824 sked to enter SEA induction 5/9/14 - - - - 752: N14118 sked to exit IAH 1479/10May - - - - 753: N73860 entered 3/10/14 - WiFi install - - - - 772: N215UA now receiving Hawaiian mod at SFO - N218UA sked to enter HKG 2199/11May - N792UA sked to exit HKG 2165/9May - N799UA sked to enter PEK 2161/9May