Students can work to a project assigned to a group of students.
Students not working in a project will have a full oral examination during one of the official exam session.
For students working in a project, the exam will be as follows:
1) Project presentation done by the "full group of students" assigned to the project. Presentation will take 15-20 minutes, with 5-10 slides and live demo. All students belonging to the group should be present.
2) Short oral examination, on topics not covered by the project.
Phases 1) and 2) must be done during the official exam sessions. However, they can be executed in different sessions. For instance, project presentation in session one and short oral in session two.
In order to make the exam, students must register at http://esami.unipi.it specifying 1) the date of the exam session, 2) wheter you want to present the project (in group) and/or have the short oral, or the full oral.
Next exam sessions:
Please register at http://esami.unipi.it if you plan to do the examination.