Multimedia Information Retrieval and Computer Vision 21-22

Università di Pisa

Laurea Magistrale in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering

On-Line courses: in order to attend to the on-line courses please use Microsoft Team following this link.


Providing students with a solid background on Multimedia Information Retrieval, Multimedia Content-Based Retrieval, Automated Multimedia Content Understanding, Multimedia Data Mining.

Understanding the challenges and issues related to effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability when dealing with very large (web-scale) multimedia data sets.


Information in the enterprise context is rapidly becoming more semi-structured and multimedia. Techniques designed to deal with multimedia data, on a very large scale, are becoming crucial and strategic.

The course aims at covering both the theoretical foundations and the practical aspects of Multimedia Information Retrieval and Computer Vision.

The main topics addressed in the course are Text-Based Retrieval, Multimedia Content Analysis, Multimedia Content Description, Audio Retrieval, Computer Vision, Multimedia Content-Based Indexing, Multimedia Content-Based Retrieval, Multimedia Data Mining and Classification, Similarity Searching, Scalable Access Methods for Similarity Searching,

The Lab project will consist of the development of a complete software tool to handle a specific scenario related to Multimedia Information Management and Retrieval.

Assessment: Lab projects and oral test.

Prerequisites: Basics of Database Management Systems, Python Programming, Web Technologies.

Modules: 1

Credits: 9


  • Monday: 8:30-9:30, 9:30-10:30, 10:30-11:30, Room SI5, MS-Teams

  • Thursday: 8:30-9:30, 9:30-10:30 Room ADI1, MS-Teams

  • Friday: 15:00-16:00, 16:00-17:00, 17:00-18:00, Room F7, MS-Teams