Dr. Andrei P. KIRILYUK    →   Complexity Unified

Independent Researcher (Universal Science of Complexity) and science expert (43 years of experience)

Senior Researcher (retired), Metallic State Theory Department, G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Contact information


Academic web page, Institute web page

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Ph.D., G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, Solid State Theory, 1984.

Higher Education Diploma, Kiev State University, Theoretical Physics, 1979.

Expertise and Research Interests

THEORIST: Universal science of complexity (including applications); Extended (dynamically multivalued) chaos, self-organisation, fractals; Complete causal quantum (wave) mechanics unified with causal relativity, gravity, cosmology and its applications, including real quantum machines and nanosystems; Complex-dynamical, creative genetics and biology (dynamically emerging life functions); Emerging complex-dynamic intelligence and consciousness; Autonomic, intelligent, knowledge-based communication networks, software systems, and other ICT systems with genuine dynamic complexity; Rigorous, complex-dynamic development concept, including causally complete ecology and consistent meaning of sustainable development.

MAIN RESULTS: Universal dynamic complexity concept (and method of analysis) based on the unreduced, rigorous solution of many-body interaction problem and applicable to arbitrary (real) dynamical system at any level, from quantum mechanics to the humanities; its major applications in various fields (physics, biology, ecology, brain/intelligence/consciousness, complex communication networks and other IT structures, the humanities). Complete causal wave (quantum) mechanics naturally incorporating the true chaos and non-zero dynamic complexity. Intrinsically unified, causal extensions of quantum mechanics, relativity (special and general), field theory, particle physics, and cosmology. True quantum chaos, its application to real quantum devices and nanosystems. Real, complex-dynamic nano(bio)technology paradigm and particular applications. Interaction-based, complex-dynamic genome and organism operation and structure; creative and secure genetics; integral medicine. Emerging intelligence and consciousness as well-specified levels of unreduced interaction complexity. Fundamentally based paradigm of autonomic (intelligent) communication network and ways of its practical realisation. Provably sustainable development concept; objective criterion and structure of progress. New structure of science. Over 30 published works including 4 books.

QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: University diploma of physicist/teacher (Kiev,1979). Ph.D. Diploma (theory of particle scattering in crystals, Kiev,1984). Diploma of application programmer (Paris). 43 years of theoretical research work, in contact with experimentalists where necessary. Graduate and postgraduate supervision. International experience includes 3,5 years of work in France (Paris, 1991-95, various laboratories), international conferences, EC (FP6) project preparation, and short working visits to England, Switzerland, and Czech Republic. Founding member of Euroscience. Perfect command of English, French, Russian, and Ukrainian languages.

Future Research

Further development of initiated applications of the new, universal concept of dynamic complexity (see Publications) includes, besides the fundamental physical theory (quantum mechanics, relativity, cosmology, dynamic complexity and chaos), the following issues:

Practical Applications

Analysis of the full scale of real system complexity in various applications (technical, social, ecological, etc.) based upon rigorous, clear and realistic criterion of progressive development within the proposed new, universal and reality-based concept of complexity. Particular applications may include collaboration projects or consulting services in the following directions:


Adaptability, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomic Communication Network, Chaos, Complex Software System, Consciousness, Cybernetics, Dynamic Complexity, Ecology, Genetics, Genomics, Intelligent Communication, Knowledge-Based Society, Nanotechnology, Noosphere, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics, Self-organisation, Solid State Physics, Sustainable Development, Theoretical Physics

Previous Positions

1988-2020, Senior Research Scientist, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, Metallic State Theory Department

1984-1988, Research Scientist, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, Solid State Theory Department

1979-1984, Junior Research Scientist, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, Solid State Theory

Selected Publications