Rescuing Ecks and Wye

Okay, so. I came to enjoy the characters and that's all well and great, but since they both died in the episode, how am I going to get around that?

I'm no stranger to reviving characters I want to see live. I've done it in many fandoms and I felt I could do it here, too. But it took some thinking and some research, especially when it came to Ecks and that horrific wound Illya gave him. A wound in that area is often either instantly fatal or shortly fatal.

I was originally going to get a lot more into the medical side of things in my stories than I did. I ended up settling for the idea that Ecks was not stabbed in one of the most deadly areas and was instead probably stabbed directly in the stomach and not in an intestine or anything else alarming like that. During my research, I learned that apparently wounds directly in the stomach are easier for the body to heal from than wounds a bit lower in the abdominal area.

To keep Ecks out of commission for a while longer, there were some unspecified complications, most likely from it taking longer to get help for him when it happened. Wye thought he was dead at first and went chasing after Napoleon, Illya, and company. He got Ecks out of the park as soon as he came back and saw that Ecks was still alive, but since they're almost the same size, Ecks had to exert himself a lot more than was safe under the circumstances. Wye didn't dare call for an ambulance or do anything else to call attention to the situation, afraid that word would get back to the extremist organization. If word got out that Ecks was a traitor and was still alive, he would be killed.

Wye was much easier to rescue, overall. Bullet wounds? Piece of cake compared to Ecks' problem. The main issue with Wye was how to get him to safety, since he was shot in Mr. Zed's house. I came up with the idea that Wye and the other dead were put in a shed on Zed's property while the remaining extremists waited for a shady undertaking service to come and pick up the bodies. Wye revived before that happened and managed to crawl out of the shed, through the back garden, and to a road. He managed to get a mile or two away from the house before collapsing and being found by a passing motorist and taken to a hospital.

I haven't dwelt as much on Wye's recovery as I have Ecks', and overall I was fairly vague on both. But Wye finally admitted that he was Dead on Arrival at the hospital and had to be revived. Ecks, meanwhile, flatlined several times, once right after Wye brought him in, and that certainly contributed to Wye's canon instability through the rest of The Odd Man Affair episode.

Since they were in different hospitals and neither could be discovered by the extremist organization, Wye feigned amnesia to avoid explaining anything about himself. It presented the problem, however, of how for him to find out if Ecks was alright. He tried calling the other hospital more than once but had to abandon the effort because others were around. Hence, neither knew if the other was alive until they both recovered.