
UML4IoT profile

UML4IoT is a UML profile defined to support the model-driven development of IoT systems. More specifically the profile fully automates the generation process of the IoT-compliant layer (IoTwrapper) that is required for the cyber-physical component (Mechatronic component) to be effectively integrated into the modern IoT manufacturing environment. The profile defines extensions to the UML modeling notation to enable the automatic generation of the IoTwrapper that is required to transform a traditional cyber-physical component to an Industrial Automation Thing.

Fig. 1. UML4IoT automatically transforms a traditional cyber-physical into an Industrial Automation Thing.

Cyber-physical/Mechatronic Component

A Cyber-physical/Mechatronic component is the tight integration of the physical world unit, i.e., the plant mechanical unit, with the cyber part that is required to transform it to a highly cohesive component that offers, through well defined interface, higher level functionality, compared to the one offered by the physical unit. Computing and communication capabilities have been embedded in the physical component transforming it to cyber-physical component.


IoTwrapper is the software layer that is required to transform the conventional OO API of a cyber-physical component to an IoT-compliant one that allows the effective integration of the component in the IoT environment. To address the interoperability requirements that concern the integration of cyber-physical components our IoTwrapper is based on the LWM2M and the IPSO objects. In the first prototype implementation of the IoTwrapper the leshan implementation of the LWM2M was used.

UML4IoT development process

UML4IoT is a UML-based development process that automates the generation process of the IoTwrapper for new cyber-physical components but also for legacy ones to exploit the IoT connectivity. Two alternatives are proposed. The first one is based on the UML design specification of the cyber part of the cyber-physical component; the second one is based on the source code, for the case that a higher level design specification such as the UML one is not available.

Industrial Automation Thing

The Industrial Automation Thing is a cyber-physical component with IoT complaint API. It is considered as the key building block of the modern IoT manufacturing environment.