
UML4IoT is a UML-based approach to exploit model-driven engineering in the development of IoT systems [1]. It is based on the use of a UML profile (the UML4IoT profile) to automate the generation process of the IoT-compliant layer that is required for cyber-physical components to be effectively integrated into the IoT environment.

Motivation - Short Description

The manufacturing industry has already identified that the IoT brings great opportunities to retain its leading position in economy and society. However, the adoption of the IoT changes the development process of the manufacturing system and raises many challenges [1].

We consider the modern manufacturing system as a composition of cyber-physical, cyber and human components, and we use IoT as a glue for their integration as far as their cyber interfaces are concerned [2][3][4]. A java application (LiqueurPlantV21) partially demonstrates the component based approach adopted in the construction of manufacturing systems and an application of this approach in the domain of Assembly systems is presented in [4].

Legacy or new cyber-physical components which are usually modeled with SysML and UML appear to have the conventional object-oriented (OO) API, which is expressed as a set of classes with their associated methods. This interface leads to a high coupling between the components of the system. LWM2M and IPSO smart objects may be properly used to develop a layer on top of the conventional OO API to transform the cyber-physical component to an IoT-compliant component, i.e., to an Industrial Automation Thing. We call this layer IoTwrapper.

The UML4IoT approach describes a model-driven development process based on a UML profile to fully automate the generation of the IoTwrapper. The IoTwrapper is required for the cyber-physical component to be effectively integrated into the modern IoT manufacturing environment. The motivation for the UML4IoT approach as depicted in the IEEE ISIE 2016 (Santa Clara, CA) presentation is shown in Fig. 1

Fig.1. The motivation for the UML4IoT approach as depicted in the IEEE ISIE 2016 presentation (Santa Clara, Silicon Valley, Jun 2016).

The UML4IoT approach is presented in [1]. The complete list of publications related to the UML4IoT is given in the Publications section.

The UML4IoT approach can also be applied at the source code level specification of the component in case that a UML design specification is not available. The developer has only to annotate the source code of the cyber-physical component with specific Annotations. Then an appropriate model-to-model transformer will automatically generate the corresponding Industrial Automation Thing.

The UML4IoT profile contains basic key constructs independent of the application domain so as to be general enough to be applicable in other application domains.


[1] K. Thramboulidis, F. Christoulakis, “UML4IoT—A UML-based approach to exploit IoT in cyber-physical manufacturing systems”, Computers In Industry, Volume 82, October 2016, Pages 259–272, DOI: 10.1016/j.compind.2016.05.010

[2] F. Christoulakis, K. Thramboulidis, “IoT-based Integration of IEC 61131 Industrial Automation Systems”, IEEE Inter. Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Santa Clara, CA, June 2016.

[3] K. Thramboulidis, “A Cyber-Physical System-based Approach for Industrial Automation Systems”, Computers in Industry, Volume 72, September 2015, Pages 92–102.

[4] K. Thramboulidis, “An Open Distributed Architecture for Flexible Hybrid Assembly Systems: A Model Driven Engineering Approach” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2016), 85(5), 1449-1460. DOI 10.1007/s00170-015-8064-4

[5] K. Thramboulidis, T. Foradis, “From Mechatronic Components to Industrial Automation Things - An IoT model for cyber-physical manufacturing systems”, (submitted) May 2016.