
Assignments will be posted below as the semester advances.

All assignments should be submitted electronically to

Please include "Assignment 1" in the header of your email when submitting the first assignment, and so on for the next assignments.

If an assignment involves programming in Python, then it must be submitted as a file that can be executed, so that we can run the program and see how it works. The file must also contain enough documentation for us to understand the rationale behind your program, and the conclusions that you draw from the results. An example of what we have in mind will be included in the list below and could be used as a template.

When submitting a Python file for an assignment, please name the file as follows: (substituting, of course, your own name and the right assignment number) so that we can easily recognize it.

  1. Assignment 1 on getting started with Python and NLTK, due on Wednesday September 18

[Template File for Assignment 1]

2. Assignment 2 on using basic Python techniques to calculate lexical diversity, due on Wednesday September 25

3. Assignment 3 on average lexical diversity, due on Wednesday October 2 (key for Assignment 3)

4. Assignment 4 on using bigrams and FreqDist to identify collocations, due on Wednesday October 16 October 9 (template file for assignment)

5. Assignment 5 on stress patterns in cmudict, due on October 23 (Template file for the assignment)

6. Assignments 6 and 7 on Regular Expressions. This includes the Pig Latin project. Assignment 6 is due on October 30 and Assignment 7 on November 6

7. Final Project on Grammar Modeling using CFGs, due last day of classes [October 11] but with intermediate deadlines in between. (Sample CFG grammar with movement) (List of POS tags)