New Manyangjong to Ulluengdo

Uljin New Manyangjong to Ulluengdo visibility simulation 蔚珍 新・望洋亭

Altitude 36m(Aster DGEM)

Direction to Ulleungdo:65.1 Northeast

The waitress at the seafood restaurant at new Manyanjong beach told me it is visible Ulluengdo from Manyanjong in a clear fine weather, but I doublt the comment because in the simulation it is invisible from 36meter plus 2 meter.

Adds 30m more to easy calculate the difference between Aster GDEM's Ulluengdo altitude and real Ullnugdo altitude. Simulation says it is visible. but Im not sure it is proper calculation.

Altitude 36m(Aster DGEM) +2m

050mm: invisible

200mm: invisible ;Slightly visible,but actually not visible I think.

Altitude 36m(Aster DGEM) +2m+30m

050mm:slightly Ullunegdo confirmed

200mm: visible as two island?