Combinatorics Literature Seminar at UIUC
The Combinatorics Literature Seminar meets every Tuesday 10:15 am to 11:45 am in Gregory Hall 219. Please email Michael at if you are interested in giving a talk.
Fall 2024
2024-08-27 Matija Bucić (Princeton) - My Favorite Problems
2024-09-03 Ce Chen (UIUC) - Erdős-Rogers functions for arbitrary pairs of graphs
2024-09-10 Peter Bradshaw (UIUC) - Fractional chromatic number of a random subgraph
2024-09-17 Abhishek Dhawan (UIUC) - List Packings of Bipartite Graphs
2024-09-24 Ramon Garcia (UIUC) - On the number of H-free hypergraphs
2024-10-01 Adrian Dumitrescu (Algoresearch L.L.C.) - My Favorite Problems
2024-10-08 Haoran Luo (UIUC) - Short proof of the hypergraph container theorem
2024-10-15 Michael Wigal (UIUC) - Covering cliques with cliques
2024-10-22 The Nguyen (UIUC) - Integer and Fractional Packing of Families of Graphs
2024-10-29 Yongjin Lee (UIUC) - A proof of spread-version blow-up lemma
2024-11-05 Dadong Peng (UIUC) - Sharp exponents for bipartite Erdős-Rado numbers
2024-11-12 Zimu Xiang (UIUC) - A uniform bound on almost color-balanced perfect matchings in color-balanced cliques
2024-11-19 Abhishek Methuku (UIUC) - Long paths and cycles in sublinear expanders
2024-11-26 Fall Break
2024-12-03 Igor Araujo (UIUC) - Independent sets in hypergraphs
2024-12-10 József Balogh (UIUC) - Sunflowers in set systems with small VC-dimension