Lab 2

Welcome to the first CS 141 Lab! 

Note that there was no lab the first week of class, hence this is lab 2 and not lab 1.

Today's Objectives:

Before we begin, if you are going to use the Lab Computers and do not know your ID to login, please visit:

It will help you get your login information for the computers in lab. Your password is defaulted to your 9-digit UIN!

Overview:  Since this is the first lab, here is a description of what you should expect each week during lab. 

Each lab will be 50 minutes long  The basic structure of each lab will be:

TAs will give you guidance when you ask a question, but will not necessarily give away the answer.   Remember to "ask three before me".  If you don't understand something, first confer with your partner.  If you still can't get it confer with two other students in a nearby group.  If you still can't get it  then get help from a TA.   You are highly encouraged to help each other, since 2% of your grade in this class will be the average of your entire lab section's grade.


Now the Lab!

Today's lab is to just get us comfortable with finding a platform we can program C++ in and write a few basic operations and then we're done!

You have a few options for today's labs with what IDE you want to use to program your lab. Essentially the goal is to just create a simple C++ program and submit it.

Here are  some options to choose from. You only need to choose 1:


Again, you only need to choose from one of the options listed above. Use whichever you are most comfortable with.

You can use your laptops or the computers in Lab. We suggest using your Laptops so that you have a device you have readily available to you any time. I would suggest installing anything you need for this class on your own personal computer as soon as possible.


Now for the actual assignment:

Your program is to prompt for and read in the current year (2018) and the year you think self-driving cars will be common.

You are then to compute and display how many years from now that is by doing a simple subtraction between the two years, displaying the result.


Grading Rubric:

0 - did not show up or did not try anything

1 - worked on code, and got it to run, but did not zip it or submit in Blackboard

2 - got it working and zipped and submitted to Blackboard

3 - (Extra Credit) Add a loop to count to a million, printing out every 10,000th number


Submission Details:

Although there are multiple ways to do this assignment, you will be required to save your file as a .cpp and then zip up the file and submit it with the link provided in this lab.

Note: You may need to use a text editor to copy paste your code into from the platform you used and save it as a .cpp file. Failure to save it as a .cpp will result in point deductions.