
Working papers and journal publications (affiliation indicated for non-ECB coauthors)

The impact of capital requirements on voluntary buffer

joint with Giuseppe Cappelletti, Aurea Marques and Leila Travaglini (Columbia)

European Central Bank Working Paper (R&R)

Foreign banks and the doom loop

joint with Jacopo Cimadomo, Nicolò Maffei-Faccioli (Norges Bank)

European Central Bank Working Paper, No. 2540, April 2021

The bank lending channel of conventional and unconventional monetary policy

joint with Andrea Nobili (Bank of Italy) and Federico Signoretti (Bank of Italy) 

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, February 2021

previous draft available as Bank of Italy Working Paper, No. 1094, December 2016

Portfolio Rebalancing and the Transmission of Large-Scale Asset Programmes: Evidence from the Euro Area

joint with Miguel Boucinha and Bo Becker (Stockholm School of Economics)

Journal of Financial Intermediation, November 2020

previous draft available as European Central Bank Working Paper, No. 2125, January 2018

The shadow value of central bank’s refinancing operations

joint with Lorenzo Burlon, Nicola Pavanini (Tillburg University), Tomas Jankauskas (Tillburg University)

European Central Bank Working Paper, No. 2480, October 2020

Fixed-rate versus adjustable-rate mortgages: evidence from euro-area banks

joint with Fulvia Fringuellotti (NY Fed) and Steven Ongena (University of Zurich)

European Economic Review,  forthcoming

European Central Bank Working Paper, No. 2322, October 2019

previous draft available as Bank of Italy Working Paper, No. 1176, October 2018

Credit demand and supply: a two-way feedback relation

joint with Lucia Esposito (Bank of Italy)

Bank of Italy Working Paper, No. 1134, September 2017

Asymmetric information and the securitization of SME loans

joint with Margherita Bottero (Bank of Italy), Leonardo Gambacorta (BIS) and Steven Ongena (University of Zurich)

Bank of Italy Working Paper, No. 1091, December 2016

previous drafts available as CEPR working paper, BIS working paper

An inquiry into the determinants of the profitability of Italian banks

joint with Alessandro Notarpietro (Bank of Italy) and Stefano Siviero (Bank of Italy)

Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, No. 364, October 2016

Information externalities in the credit market and the spell of credit rationing

Sharing Informationn Loan Rejections: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis

joint with Margherita Bottero (Bank of Italy) and Gabriele Sene (Bank of Italy)

Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 30, April 2017

previous draft available as Bank of Italy Working Paper, No. 980, November 2014

Asymmetric Information in Securitizations: an Empirical Analysis

joint with Carmelo Salle, Ginette Eramo (Bank of Italy) and Leonardo Gambacorta (BIS)

Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 71, April 2015

    previous drafts available as Bank of Italy Working Paper, No. 796, February 2011, BIS Working Paper, No 341, March 2011

The Impact of the Sovereign Debt Crisis on the Activity of Italian Banks

joint with Tiziano Ropele (Bank of Italy), Gabriele Sene (Bank of Italy) and Federico M. Signoretti (Bank of Italy)

Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 46, September 2014

    Previous draft available as Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, No. 133, October 2012

The Procyclicality of Foreign Bank Lending: Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis

joint with Margherita Bottero (Bank of Italy) 

Journal of International Economics, Vol. 92, April 2014

    previous draft available as Bank of Italy Working Paper, No. 926, July 2013

Credit supply, flight to quality and evergreening: an analysis of bank-firm relationships after Lehman

joint with Domenico J. Marchetti (Bank of Italy) 

Bank of Italy Working Paper, No. 756, April 2010

Bank Profitability and Taxation

joint with Leonardo Gambacorta (BIS)

Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 34, November 2010

    previous draft available as Bank of Italy Working Paper, No. 649, November 2007

Bank Profitability and the Business Cycle

joint with Leonardo Gambacorta (BIS)

Journal of Financial Stability, vol. 5, December 2009

    previous draft available as Bank of Italy Working Paper, No. 601, September 2006

Incentives and Conflicts of Interest in Universal Banks

Bank of Italy Working Paper, No. 572, January 2006

Loan Maturity and Renegotiation: Evidence from the Lending Practices of Large and Small Banks

London School of Economics-FMG Working Papers, No. 588, February 2007

Financial Distress and The Consolidation of Debt of Italian Firms (L'indebitamento a medio e a lungo termine delle imprese Italiane)

joint with Paolo Finaldi Russo (Bank of Italy) and Paolo E. Mistrulli (Bank of Italy)

Bancaria, Vol. 63, No. 10, 2007

Older projects

Credit Supply to Sovereigns and to the Private Sector: Is There Crowding Out?

joint with Meta Athik (Banka Slovenije), 2015

The Effects of the 3-year VLTROs on Lending Supply: an Analysis Based on Loan-level Data

joint with Marcello Bofondi (Bank of Italy) and Nicola Pellegrini (Bank of Italy)

mimeo, 2014 (presented at workshops held at Banca d'Italia, 2014, and Banque de France, 2015)