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                              Use this trick to send common scrap to all your orkut friends. (like send a joke or wish happy new year etc )

Orkut - send Scrap to all your friends use following tricks.

Method 1: Greasemonkey and Firefox method (This is easy. just one time setup is required. after that just access http://www.orkut.com/sa to send scrap to all your friends.)

Steps for One Time Setup:

Step 1) This works only in firefox. if you don't have firefox then click here to download firefox.

Step 2) If you haven't installed Greasemonkey then Click here to install Greasemonkey addon in firefox

Step 3) Restart firefox after installing greasemonkey.

Step 4) Make sure that greasemonkey is on (see monkey on the right bottom corner of firefox. It should be active). Now Click on this link to install Scrap All script

You are done with setup. Now whenever you want to send scrap to all your friends just enter this url in firefox browser http://www.orkut.com/sa (Note: you must be already logged in to orkut)

Method 2:Alternate method


Click on following codeBox. Copy it and then paste it in your address bar of orkut window(the place where you type www.orkut.com).Do remember that the code should be pasted into the address bar of any orkut page only i.e, go to any orkut page and only then should you paste the code. Then press Enter.


Friendship day message with image (copy following colored message and send this to all your friends using above script).


Click here to view above image

Caution : Do not use this script to send more than 250 scraps at the same time. Your account will get freezed and it may take upto 24 hours for it to become alright.


Sending orkut graphics and pictures to all your orkut friends Top

Please note that only .jpg images uploaded in orkut can be sent. Steps:

1) Click on following codeBox. Copy it and then paste it in your address bar of orkut window(the place where you type www.orkut.com).Do remember that the code should be pasted into the address bar of any orkut page only i.e, go to any orkut page and only then should you paste the code. Then press Enter.


2) Now you see multipleScrap sending page.

3) Paste URL of the image like ( http://img3.orkut.com/images/milieu/1/599513375/45642506.jpg ) in the scrapTextBox. Note that image should be uploaded in orkut. If you want to send any image that is stored in your computer, then first upload it in your album and then use the URL of uploaded image in scrapText. Read below to learn how to get URL after uploading picture in orkut album

a) upload a picture in your album

b) Select the image from your album and right click on it and select "Properties"

c) Copy the location of that link. Paste that address into the textbox where you type the message to your friends and when you click on the send scrap option your friends will recieve the picture


View all the pictures of a locked/unlocked album in one page (Not working! Due to orkut's code update, this trick has stopped working. New trick will be provided when available.) Top

1) Login to orkut and then click on the orkut profile link of the person, whose album you want to see.

2) Click on following codeBox. Copy it and then paste it in your address bar of orkut window. Then press Enter. You can see all photos in one page. Enjoy!!!




How to send scrap to all/multiple friends (Graphical tutorial):

Step 1: Copy following code and then paste it in your address bar. Paste it in a window/tab in which orkut is open otherwise it won't be able to load.


Step 2: After pasting it there, press enter. A new page will load.

Step 3: Write your scrap in the space provided. Remember, you cannot send links of non-orkut websites. But links like http://www.orkut.co.in/Profile.aspx?uid=10510699576580824794, which are under orkut domain can be sent.

Step 4: Chose whether you want to send scrap to one friend, selected friends or all friends. To select multiple friends, use ctrl or shift button. [Caution: Do not send more than 250 scraps at the same time.]

 Step 5: Start sending scraps by clicking on 'send scraps'. On the right side of the page, you can see how many scraps have been sent.

Its Simple :


1. Signin to Orkut, go to Home Page

2. Open another Browser window and goto ur Orkut Home Page

3. Replace the Link in Addressbar with the text in the textbox below

                     ~ You ill get the compose page to send Scraps.

