Youth Ministry

This year, our beloved teacher Lorraine Patterson will be teaching a Summer Bible Camp while standard Sunday School is out for the summer. This starts Sunday, June 23rd and will run through the summer each Sunday from ~10:15-11:15. The theme is service and asks the questions: "What Would Jesus Do?" and "What Would We Do?"

Worshiping Our Way (WOW)

The Christian Ed Board has stepped out this year to try something different in Christian Education. In WOW, our preschool- 4 graders join together in the downstairs classroom that looks like they miraculously shrank the upstairs sanctuary to fit children. They have a time of reading a story from the Bible, offering, sharing of needs and celebrations and maybe a bit of music. Afterward, they go into the activity area for snack and a choice of activities. Where do you fit in? As Justin said at the Church Council meeting, we all need to “dip a toe” in this ministry to our children. The CE Board will be starting to bring the congregation into WOW, looking for volunteers to be helpers or to lead the worship time or to do an activity. 

A Young Life Update

Here are some of the ways that Young Life leaders are continuing to connect with kids during the pandemic and share Christ with them:

We are meeting with students once a week for online campaigners using Zoom. We experience community, reflection and dedicated time to study God’s word.

Leaders are also checking in with students individually--each young person is processing this time differently, and one-on-one conversations are so important.

Between weeks 3-4, our leaders hand delivered over 80 goodie bags to kids. We called it the YL “Ding Dong, Dash!”. After texting a kid (or knocking on their door) we left the goodie bag on the front step and then stepped back 6’ feet. Or maybe 20’. Regardless, the time spent chatting with kids face to face was priceless and meaningful. 

This week, we decided to use the same strategy to make a video of kids dancing the “Cotton Eye Joe”. Instead of asking them to send us videos, we went to their front lawn. Contact work, works!

Lastly, we have been hosting Club every Friday night using Instagram Live. This platform allows us to cast our net wide.

Here are some ways that you can pray specifically for us and for young people in the coming weeks:

For kids to continue to engage and be honest about their feelings, fears and needs.

For leaders to walk confidently in their work to share the Gospel with kids. 

We are grateful for all of you!     -Todd