Awards, News and Events

Honors and Awards:

UCF Lockheed Martin Professorship (2018-2023)

UCF Research Incentive Award (RIA) (2011, 2016, 2021)

UCF Reach for the Stars Award (2016-2018)

UCF Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) Award (2010, 2015)

UCF CECS Distinguished Researcher Award (2013)

UCF CECS CAE Link Faculty Fellow (2010-2012)

UCF EECS Department Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award (2010)

IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Outstanding Reviewer (2006-2010)

National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early CAREER Award (2009)

Special Congressional Recognition from Alan Grayson on High-Temperature Sensor (9/7/2009)

Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (2009)

UCF EECS Department Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award (2009)

IEEE Florida Council Outstanding Engineer Award (2009)

IEEE Orlando Section Outstanding Engineer Award (2009)

2004 IEEE MTT-S IMS Student Paper Competition 3rd Place Award (300+ participants)

2004 IEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp. Student Paper Competition Top 15 Finalist (200+ participants)

2003 IEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp. Student Paper Competition Top 15 Finalist (200+ participants)

News and Media:

UCF Report on High-Temperature Antenna Development (8/5/2013)

Orlando Sentinel News Report on High-Temperature Sensor Development (8/31/2009)

Honors and Awards of Advised Students:

Junyi Huang, Student Paper Competition, Honorable Mention in 2020 IEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp.

Junyi Huang, Student Paper Competition, Honorable Mention in 2019 IEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp.

Junyi Huang, Student Paper Competition, Top 15 Finalists in 2018 IEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp.

Wei Ouyang, Best Student Research Presentation Award in 2019 IEEE WAMICON

Wei Ouyang, IEEE Orlando Section Graduate Student Scholarship (2018)

Wei Ouyang, Student Paper Competition, Honorable Mention in 2018 IEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp.

Mahmoud Shirazi, IEEE Orlando Section Graduate Student Scholarship (2018)

Mahmoud Shirazi, IEEE Orlando Section Outstanding Graduate Student Award (2018)

Mahmoud Shirazi, Best Student Research Presentation Award in 2017 IEEE WAMICON

Ricardo Lovato, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, 2016-2019

Ricardo Lovato, Student Paper Competition, Honorable Mention in 2016 IEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp.

Ricardo Lovato, IEEE Orlando Section Graduate Student Scholarship (2015)

Tianjiao Li/Mahmoud Shirazi, Student Paper Competition Best Paper Award in 2016 IEEE iWAT

Tianjiao Li, IEEE Orlando Section Graduate Student Scholarship (2013, 2014)

Tianjiao Li, Student Paper Competition, Honorable Mention in 2013 IEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp.

Michael Trampler, Best Student Research Presentation Award in 2015 IEEE WAMICON

Kalyan Karnati, Student Paper Competition, Honorable Mention in 2013 IEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp.

Kalyan Karnati, IEEE Orlando Section Graduate Student Scholarship (2013)

Weijie Zhu, UCF Trustees Fellowship, 2012-2016

Haitao Cheng, IEEE Orlando Section Graduate Student Scholarship (2011, 2012)

Justin Luther, Student Paper Competition 2nd Place Award, 2012 IEEE RWS

Justin Luther, Best Student Research Presentation Award in 2011 IEEE WAMICON

Justin Luther, Student Paper Competition, Honorable Mention in 2011 IEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp.

Justin Luther, Department of Defense (DoD) SMART Scholarship (2009-2013)

Justin Luther, UCF Provost Fellowship (2008-2009)

Justin Luther, UCF B.S. Thesis Honors in the Major (2008)

Ya Shen, Student Paper Competition, Honorable Mention Award, 2012 IEEE MTT-S IMS

Ya Shen, Best Student Research Presentation Award in 2012 IEEE WAMICON

Ya Shen, IEEE Orlando Section Graduate Student Scholarship (2010, 2011)

Ya Shen, IEEE Orlando Section Outstanding Graduate Student Award (2010)

Paul Nelson, Department of Defense (DoD) SMART Scholarship (2008-2010)

Paul Nelson, IEEE MTT-S Undergraduate Scholarship and IMS Travel Grant (2008)

Paul Nelson, UCF B.S. Thesis Honors in the Major (2008)

Paul Nelson, UCF Honors in the Major Scholarship (2007)