Professor. Jung

Prof. Sung-Yoon Jung


Department of Electronic Engineering

Yeungnam University

214-1 Dae-Dong, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongbuk 712-749

Phone: 82-53-810-3094, Cell.Phone: 82-10-9082-7091

E-mail: /

Homepage :

- University Education

 ●  Ph.D.  Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon 305-701, Korea

    (March 2002 – February 2006)

    (Thesis: “Performance Improvement of Ultra-wideband Wireless Communication Systems Based on the Design of 

     Modulators and Pilot Patterns”)

●  M.Sc  Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon 305-701, Korea

    (March 2000 – February 2002)

    (Thesis: “Multi-User Detection Scheme Based on Hidden Training Sequence for DS-UWB Systems”)

●  B.Sc.   School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Korea

- Professional Experience

2020 – Present   Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Yeungnam University

2019 2020           Visiting Scholar, Department of Epidemiology, University of Florida

2017 – Present   Chair, Department of Electronic Engineering, Yeungnam University

2015 – Present   Associate Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Yeungnam University

2015           Visiting Scholar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida

2011 – 2012       Vice-President, LED-IT Fusion Technology Research Center (LIFTRC) funded by MKE

                         ( Homepage : ) 

2009 – Present   Leader of Automotive Lighting Technology Division, LED-IT Fusion Technology Research Center (LIFTRC)

                         funded by MKE ( Homepage : ) 

2011 – Present   Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Yeungnam University

2009 – 2011       Full Time Lecturer, Department of Electronic Engineering, Yeungnam University

2006 – 2009       Senior Research Engineer, Telecommunication R&D Center, Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd.

2000 – 2004       Research Assistant, Electrical Engineering, KAIST

- Recent Research Interests

●  Future Wireless Communications

: Optical Wireless Communications (OWC) including Optical Camera Communication (OCC) , Visible Light Communications (VLC) and Li-Fi

: Ultra-wideband (UWB) communications, Smart Utility Networks (SUN) and 5G Cellular Communications

●  LED-IT Convergence Technology and its Applications to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Indoor Location Based Services (LBS)

●  Molecular & Nano Communications and its Applications

: Modeling and Analysis of Personalized Drug Delivery System Based on Molecular & Nano Communications Approach

: Study of Communication Schemes for Pulse based Nano Communications in THz band and Molecular Communications


- Summary of research works

●  Study of Ultra-wideband (UWB) WPAN Technology [KAIST, 2002~2005]

      - Study on UWB Modem Technology for Transmission Rate and Performance Improvement in Indoor Wireless

        Environment (2002 ~ 2004)

         : Enhancement of Link Capacity Based on Multi-coded Pulse Position Modulation Scheme

         : Multi-User Detection Scheme Based on Hidden Training Sequence for DS-UWB Systems

      - Development of Standardization Technology for Low Data Rate WPAN Based on UWB (2004 ~ 2005)

         : Development of UWB PHY & MAC Technology for low bit rate W-PAN

         : Development of UWB indoor Location Awareness Technology

         : Standardization activities in IEEE 802.15.4a

●  Development of Next Generation Communication Systems and Technologies [Samsung Electronics, 2006~2009]

      - 3.5Gbps 8x8 MIMO Transmission Experiment (2006)

         : World Best & World First Demonstration in Samsung International 4G Forum 2006

      - Development of SAMSUNG IMT-Advanced Platform (2007 ~ 2008)

         : Design of IMT-Advanced System Specifications

         : Development of Multiple Antenna & Adaptive Modulation and Coding Technology and

           Demonstrations on IMT-Advanced Platform

         : Development of Full-Duplex MIMO Relay System and Demonstration on IMT-Advanced Platform

         : Standardization activities in IEEE 802.16j/m

●  LED-IT Convergence Technology and its Applications [Yeungnam Univ., 2009~Current]

      - Study of Optical Wireless Communications (OWC) including Visible Light Communication (VLC) and its Applications to

        Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Indoor Location Based Services (LBS) (2009 ~ Current)

         : Development of Channel Model for VLC

         : Research on Mod./Demod. and Multiple-Access Schemes for VLC

         : Research on Channel Coding Schemes for VLC

         : Research on Smart Automotive Navigation Scheme Based on Visible Light

         : Research on Indoor Location Based Services Using Visible Light

●  THz Based Nano Communications and Molecular Communications [Yeungnam Univ., 2014~Current]

- Study of Pulse based Nano Communcations in THz band and Molucular Communications

  : Study of Channel Model for THz Nano & Molecular Comm.

  : Study of Modulation & Demodulation Schemes for THz Nano & Molecular Comm.

  : Study of Interference, Multiple Access Schemes for THz Nano & Molecular Comm.

 ●  Molecular & Nano Communications for Bioinformatics [Yeungnam Univ., 2014~Current]

- Modeling and Analysis of Drug Delivery System Based on Molecular Communications Approach

   : Blood Vessel Channel Model of Drug Delivery System Based on Molecular Comm.

   : Noise and Capacity Analysis of Drug Delivery System Based on Molecular Comm.

: Modeling and Analysis of Bacteriophage Therapy Mechanism Based on Molecular Comm.