UBC EOAS Weather Briefings

Winter Term Two 2023

Public weather briefings are held via Zoom each Friday at noon (12:00 pm) PT. Undergraduates also hold informal weekly weather discussions (contact the Storm Club for details). The public briefing forecasters are a mix of graduate and undergraduate students, postdocs, research associates, and faculty. The Friday briefing often includes a weekend ski forecast. Everyone is encouraged to attend!

Weather briefings consist of a 30 minute discussion of regional and global weather of interest, with questions and interaction from the audience. The briefer uses satellite and radar imagery, observations, and computer model graphics (many of which are run and generated here at UBC), to give an overview of the recent, current, and future weather.

Please contact Nicolas Duboc if you have any questions.

Weather Briefing Organization

Your discussion should answer 6 questions (Bosart 2003)


Example Weather Briefing Outline

Highlight recent global weather events (optional)



Try showing new, different graphics (introduce them to us). Be adventurous!

Verification (prepared by previous forecaster)

*Trace is when there's precipitation below the lowest measurable amount, 0.25 mm