
Are you a Tucson-based educator? Are you teaching your students about engineering or physics? Would you like to give your students a more hands-on learning experience? Then you're in the right place!

The University of Arizona Rube Goldberg Club is always open to discussing outreach opportunities with local schools and organizations regarding our club, building, engineering, and basic physics (such as simple machines and kinds of force). If you are interested in working with us or having us speak to your group, please email us at: uarube@gmail.com


Are you interested in visiting us for future on-campus events! Look out on our website, Instagram or TikTok for upcoming events, or email us for more information.


UA Rube can come to you! We will introduce our club, discuss basic engineering and physics, talk about how we build our machines, show of our simple Rube Goldberg machine, and play Simple Machine Baseball!


Does your group need help constructing Rube Goldberg machines? Call in the experts! We would love to help your group design and build machines.