Small Group Teaching

Title of Small Group Teaching Activity 1

    • Describe the scenario: number of learners, experience/expertise level of audience
    • Date, setting, and length of time involved in actual activity
    • List specific teaching goals addressed by the activity.
    • Teaching materials/technology/examples used during activity if developed by you; provide citations for materials borrowed from other sources
    • The method used to assess the learner’s understanding. If applicable, include evaluation materials (pre- and post-tests, exam questions, etc.).
    • Your comfort level for the activity, preparation time involved
    • Overall impression of your teaching in the activity (what worked well, what you would do differently, etc.). Be sure to describe challenges encountered, methods employed to overcome challenges, etc., and reflect on the feedback you received.

Teaching Materials

Please include all materials/tools you developed. Include materials developed by others only if necessary to describe how you used them in a novel way during your teaching activity.

    • Handouts, slides, videos, other audiovisual materials
    • Exam questions and/or practice problems, etc.
    • Computerized teaching materials/tools/games/demonstrations

Teaching Evaluations

Evaluations and feedback should be solicited from attendees following each teaching activity and should be tailored to your specific teaching goals.