GooCalOutlookSync 1.2.5 (2021-11-22)




矢野 崇

YANO Takashi

























●Windows 10以上

●Outlook 2016以上 (32ビット)

●Microsoft Edge


●GoogleカレンダAPI V3を使用します。GoogleのIDとパスワードはアプリケーションの設定には使いません。


■ Thanks





MAPI Stub Library



②APIコンソールを開いてTask APIをオン

③Calendar APIをオン






1.2.5 2021-11-22 Microsoft Edgeを使うように変更

1.2.4 2019-05-12 設定が開いているのにメニューが開く問題の修正

1.2.3 2019-04-28 設定でGoogle認証エラーが表示される問題を修正

1.2.2 2019-04-21 ユーザーアカウント制御が有効だとトレースが記録されない問題の修正

1.2.1 2018-11-06 Google API batch廃止

1.2.0 2017-11-25 Google側の予定詳細が書式付きだとOutlook側で生HTMLになる問題の修正


1.1.4 2016-10-22 Outlook側で複数日に跨がる終日の予定がGoogle側で1日の予定になるのを修正

1.1.3 2016-03-05 手動同期の後同期間隔が効いていない

1.1.2 2016-02-28 自動同期機能の追加

1.1.1 2016-01-31 ログ取得の方法を改善

1.1.0 2016-01-24 タスク同期の方法を改善



1.0.5 2016-01-14 Google側のエントリ数が250を超えると同期が正しく行えないのを修正



1.0.4 2015-11-02 Google側削除失敗時にリトライする

1.0.3 2015-05-12 繰り返し情報が破損しているとアボートするのを修正

1.0.2 2014-12-27 Windows 8で常にフル同期になるのを修正


1.0.1 2014-12-13 片方向の同期が動作しなかったのを修正

1.0.0 2014-11-30 正式リリース

0.1.2 2014-09-30 vectorエラーが起きることがあるのを修正

0.1.1 2014-09-13 Outlook側で一部を取り消した繰り返し予定がGoogleカレンダと同期したモバイルデバイスに取り消しが反映されないのを修正

0.1.0 2014-08-29 Outlook側のAPIをOutlook Object ModelからMAPIに変更



0.0.5 2014-05-10 上書きインストール時に設定内容がクリアされないよう変更

0.0.4 2014-05-02 Outlookのカレンダとタスク以外のアイテムを無視するよう変更

0.0.3 2013-12-23 多重起動による同期開始が動作しなかったのを修正

0.0.2 2013-11-25 同期の解消

0.0.1 2013-10-06 GoogleからOutlookにコピーしたアイテムの色が指定可能


0.0.0 2013-09-30 初期リリース











* Summary

- It is application to synchronize with Outlook Schedule, Task in Google Calendar and task.

* Summary

- It is possible to synchronize via proxy from intranet.

- GooCalOutlookSync is resident at the task-tray.

- GooCalOutlookSync is the Outlook version of GooCalNotesSync.

- You can operate GooCalOutlookSync from the icon at the task-tray.

- In Outlook → Google, GooCalOutlookSync copies items to specified Google calendar.

- The items copied for Outlook from Google are not copied in Google.

- In Google → Outlook, GooCalOutlookSync copies from specified Google calendar.

- The items copied from Outlook in Google are not copied for Outlook.

- The repeated schedules are synchronized.

- The repeated tasks are NOT supported.

- The alarm information is synchronized.

- It is possible for all the items at the target to be without alarms.

- Each items’ public and secret settings are copied individually.

- Outlook’s public items become default at Google.

- Outlook’s secret items become limited at Google.

- It is possible to specify the items colors copied from Google to Outlook and you can know if the items are from Google or not.

- It is possible to specify the items colors copied from Outlook to Google and you can know if the items are from Outlook or not.

- While GooCalOutlookSync is running, you can start GooCalOutlookSync and sync starts. You can schedule sync by the task of GooCalOutlookSync in the task scheduler while GooCalOutlookSync is running.

* Requirements

- Windows 10 or higher

- Outlook 2016 or higher (32bit)

- Microsoft Edge

* Attention

- GooCalOutlookSync uses Google calendar API V3. GooCalOutlookSync does not use ID and the password of Google for setting of the application.

- GooCalOutlookSync does not keep sync information at local. You can issue sync at some Outlook clients with the same Exchange account and Google account.

* Thanks

GooCalOutlookSync uses the following:




MAPI Stub Library

* Getting and setting of the certification information

(1) The setting → Google certification

(2) Open the API console and turn on Task API

(3) Turn on Calendar API

(4) Get the certification code

(5) Copy and paste the certification code on the certification code field

* How to use

- Click the right button of the icon in the task-tray and issue the functions in the menu.

* Change history

1.2.5 2021-11-22 Enh: Use Edge instead of IE

1.2.4 2019-05-12 Fix: Popup menu shoud not be opened while dialog is running

1.2.3 2019-04-28 Fix: Cannot get access token in setting

1.2.2 2019-04-21 Fix: Trace may not be logged with enabled UAC

1.2.1 2018-11-06 Enh: Google API batch discontinue

1.2.0 2017-11-25 Fix: Google’s item description with format may be raw HTML at Outlook

Enh: Add option to start sync at startup

1.1.4 2016-10-22 Fix: All day events on some days at Outlook is single day event at Google

1.1.3 2016-03-05 Fix: Sync interval may not work after manual sync

1.1.2 2016-02-28 Enh: Add auto sync function

1.1.1 2016-01-31 Enh: Log improvement

1.1.0 2016-01-24 Fix: Improve task sync method

Fix: Improve perfomance at full sync and dismiss sync

Enh: Not keep sync info at local

1.0.5 2016-01-14 Fix: If the number of Google's entry is greater than 250, sync does not work as expected

Fix: Improve delta sync

Fix: Improve perfomance at full sync and dismiss sync

1.0.4 2015-11-02 Fix: Retry delete at Google side

1.0.3 2015-05-12 Fix: Skip broken repeat schedule

1.0.2 2014-12-27 Fix: always full sync at Windows 8

Fix: remove apply button in setting

1.0.1 2014-12-13 Fix: Outlook->Google sync mode does not work as expected

1.0.0 2014-11-30 Formal release

0.1.2 2014-09-30 Fix: vector error may occur.

0.1.1 2014-09-13 Fix: Partly canceled repeating schedule items of Outlook are not synced to mobile device’s calendar syncing with Google.

0.1.0 2014-08-29 Use MAPI instead of Outlook Object Model

Discontinue the option closing Outlook while syncing

Add setting to specify Outlook profile

0.0.5 2014-05-10 Fix: Keep setting while upgrade installation

0.0.4 2014-05-02 Fix: Ignore items other than calendar and task in Outlook.

0.0.3 2013-12-23 Fix: Does not start sync with second start of GooCalOutlookSync

0.0.2 2013-11-25 Enh: Dismiss sync

0.0.1 2013-10-06 Enh: Specify color of items in Outlook from Google

Enh: Close Outlook while syncing

0.0.0 2013-09-30 Initial release

* Attention

- You must set the Outlook profile in cache mode. This is the default and Microsoft strongly recommends cache mode.

- In the case of full synchronization, GooCalOutlookSync removes all calendar items from Outlook in Google.

- In the case of full synchronization, GooCalOutlookSync removes all calendar items from Google in Outlook.

- You cannot use the same Google Task for Google → Outlook and Outlook → Google.

- You cannot modify the items in Google from Outlook. The change will be lost.

- You cannot modify the items in Outlook from Google. The change will be lost.

- GooCalOutlookSync logs event viewer.

* Preestablishment

- You must set proxy when you sync via proxy.