
Books in queue: (* means the books is currently working on.)

Algebraic Geometry: (suggestions from forum, Boris's paper)

  • Real Algebraic Geometry by Jacek Bochnak, Michel Coste, and Marie-Francoise Roy

  • Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry by Saugata Basu, Richard Pollack, and Marie-Francoise Ë Roy

  • keywords: TarskiSeidenberg theorem

Inverse Eigenvalue Problem:

  • Eigenvalues, Multiplicities and Graphs by Charles R. Johnson and Carlos M. Saiago

  • Inverse Problems in Vibration by Graham Gladwell

  • Inverse Eigenvalue Problems: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by Gene H. Golub and Moody Chu

Graph Drawing

Books finished:

  • Graphs and Matrices by Ravindra B. Bapat

  • Spectra of Graphs by Andries E. Brouwer and Willem H. Haemers