
Tri-Valley Community Library Association of Healy, Alaska


Purpose: To provide free public library services for the Denali Borough.


1. The regular meeting of the library board shall be held once per month, except for summer recess of June, July and August. The time and place of the meetings shall be conspicuously posted in the library and Healy Post Office. All regular meetings shall be ninety (90) minutes or less; if business goes beyond the time limit the meeting may be extended by a majority vote, otherwise any business shall be tabled until the next meeting date, or a special meeting shall be scheduled if necessary.

2. Special meetings may be held at any time when called by the president or any two board members, provided that notices and purpose of the special meeting be given at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance to board members. In case of emergency the president is authorized to poll members on a position which will be reported on at the next meeting for public record.

3. A quorum at any meeting shall consist of a majority of the board members (3). Membership in the association is open to any person residing in the Tri-Valley community (as defined by the Tri-Valley School attendance area). Board directors must reside within the Tri-Valley community and be of legal age (19). The board shall consist of five (5) board members, three (3) elected one year and two (2) elected in the alternate year. All terms will be for two (2) years. Elections for board seats will be held in September. The names of all candidates will be put on one ballot. Each voter may vote for as many candidates as seats are open. Winners will be those candidates receiving the most votes. A runoff of tying candidates may be held, if necessary. If a candidate is running unopposed he/she may be elected by acclimation. Only association members present at the board meeting may vote. In case of vacancy on the board, nominations will be by the board and an appointment will be made by the board president to be served out for the remainder of the term.

4. A board member is allowed three (3) excused absences during the fiscal year. After three (3) absences that board member will receive a written warning. At four (4) absences, that board member will have missed half (4/9) of the regular meetings and shall be removed from the board. A predetermined absence must be reported to the librarian or the president at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. Absences with less than twenty-four (24) hour notice shall only be excused because of an unavoidable appointment that was scheduled at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting, a medical or family emergency, hazardous weather conditions, pre-planned vacation, or by special vote. All absences that fall outside of these parameters will be counted as an unexcused absence. If a board member accumulates two (2) unexcused absences during the fiscal year, that board member shall be removed from the board.

5. The officers of the association shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer. The Library Board shall retain a bookkeeper to keep full account of the funds and report to the board at all monthly board meetings. The president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer shall be elected by the board members at the first regular meeting following the board seat election and shall serve one (1) year. It is recommended that the president not serve more than three (3) consecutive years.

6. The president shall preside at all association meetings, appoint all standing committees and perform other such duties as are normally associated with this office or may be assigned to him/her by the association. In the absence of the president, the vice-president shall preside. The secretary shall keep the minutes of the board meetings, record attendance and record all votes. An independent bookkeeper will be hired by the board and shall be responsible for receiving all monies, paying all bills, keeping the accounts, and preparing financial reports. The treasurer shall be responsible for reviewing the monthly financial reports prepared by the bookkeeper prior to it being presented to the board. The president shall issue notice of all regular meetings five days in advance. The agenda is a mutual responsibility of the president and the librarian.

7. Committees for the investigation of special problems may be appointed by the president and shall serve until the completion of the work for which they were appointed.

8. The order of business at meetings of the Tri-Valley Community Library Association:

1. Roll Call

2. Adoption of Agenda

3. Adoption of Minutes

4. Audience to visitors

If necessary, a time limit on presentations shall be established.

5. Financial Report:

Before the meeting, the treasurer will give each board member a copy of the financial report, listing account balance, amount of bills outstanding and income received.

6. Librarian’s Report:

a. The secretary and president will be given copies of reports required by the state, requested by the board and a monthly librarian’s report.

b. Explanaton, if needed, on agenda items listed as new or unfinished business

c. Report on any meetings attended or held by librarian or staff.

7. Reports of committees or officers, submitted from manuscript to be given to the


8. Unfinished Business

9. New Business

10. Adjournment

9. Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the parliamentary procedure of the association unless otherwise specified. Policies may be passed at one reading. The president may vote and participate in debate.

10. Each new member of the board shall receive copies of the following papers for an orientation to the procedures of the library and the association: library policies, by-laws, and any other procedural documents of the library: staff and board members.

11. The librarian shall meet with new board members to examine the properties and review services and procedures of the library.

12. The librarian shall administer the policies adopted by the board of the association. Among the duties and responsibilities allocated to the librarian shall be

13. Amendments of these by-laws may be proposed at any regular meeting of the board and become effective as and if adopted by a majority vote of the entire board at subsequent meetings.

By-Laws adopted by board of the Tri-Valley Community Library Association on December 12, 1980

Adopted changes:

01-13-82    02-09-83    01-11-84     12-13-89     12-12-90     04-13-99     11-14-05     02-13-12

10-13-82    12-14-83    12-11-85     02-14-90     04-14-98      04-23-05    12-12-05     02-06-18

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