
"Beyond food we are a tradition. We see babies grow up and come back on dinner dates. We see a couple getting engaged, surprising the bride to be with a ring in a cannoli and then having their rehearsal dinner in the back party room. Then a couple years later a baptism. It's generational. And that's who we are. I am so proud of my brother Joey, for continuing the legacy my grandparents and parents started over eighty years ago. Now the legacy continues with my nieces Darci and Disa. There are many places to dine, but at Tufano's you do more than dine. You become FAMILY." - Teresa Hall

"I am 31 years old, the youngest of four and Tufano's has been our favorite restaurant as long as I can remember. Neither me nor any of my siblings live in Chicago anymore, but when we visit we make it a point to dine at Tufano's. We always enjoyed the food and family atmosphere and now have an ever deeper appreciation for your establishment." - Patrick DeCiccio

"My first time was back in 2004 and I only went because we shared the same last name. My visit was AMAZING, not only did my Eggplant Parm make me feel like I was at home (Born and raised in NY, only lived in Chicago for a year for school), but the atmosphere was great too! And to top off my visit, the staff found out that I had the same last name and were so kind to give me a hat and a t-shirt. To this day, both the hat and the t-shirt resin on display in my home. Now it's the center point for conversations because people always love to hear the story. My husband (boyfriend at the time, he lived in Chicago with me) told me on our last visit there...'For your 30th birthday, I'll take you back here' being only 21 at the time, I laughed. But now here we are, almost 30 and hoping he keeps his promise. Again, just wanted to thank you for one of my best memories from Chicago, and the best food hands down! Don't change! " - Jennie Tufano

"I have to tell a story of how Joe the owner took care of 2 first time customers...

I was 23 years old, with my wife who was expecting our 1st child (1994). She was 8 months pregnant and I had been out of town for 2 weeks. Came home on a Friday and wanted to make it up to her and take her out. We had never been to Tufano's but I had heard the name. We drove down from Addison, IL and the valet took my car and we got no further than the door because the place was packed. Someone turned turned to me and took my name, said it would be at least 1 hour. I looked at the crowd and figured it would be 2 hours. I pushed my way through the door, past the bar, and the only place I could find to stand was in a hall/coat rack area. My wife looked distressed, so I went to the bar and got a coke for her. Then the same guy who took my name down at the door, walked past us again and into the kitchen. He immediately came back out, asked if my wife was ok, and said he would be right back. 2 minutes later he came back and told us to follow him. We went through the kitchen and out the other side. There he had placed a small table right at the side of the doorway. I could not believe it. He then said enjoy and disappeared. I told my wife, that was the owner - I saw his picture on the wall when we came in.

Here we are - a young couple, not going to spend a lot, a crowded Friday Night and he put us to the head of the line. We split the lemon chicken. It reminded me of something my grandmother used to make.

I have told many people of that story and I took my wife and 2 kids back several times. My wife passed away several years ago but I took my kids back for old times. I am now married again, with 5 kids total and we are planning to make dinner at Tufano's a Christmas time tradition.

I know why you have stayed in business all these years. Not only the breat food, but also the way you take care of a customer. Thanks for a great memory." - Don A

We love getting comments and stories from our customers! Please email us at tufanosrestaurant@gmail.com and maybe you'll see your experience on here!