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Citatul zilei

Uncle Bob Martin

Honestly.  The Agile methods can be boiled down to this:

If you don't find story points helpful, don't use story points.

If daily scrums are getting in the way, don't do daily scrums.

If the cycle is too long, shorten the cycle.

If the cycle is too short, lengthen the cycle. 

Amplify the things that work.

Change the things that don't.

And, for God's sake, stop all the bellyaching.


You can't be three steps ahead of somebody that never knows where they're going.


There was an experiment a professor did. I think it was pottery students. He did an experiment of “quality” vs “quantity”. One half of the class he told; you have to make as many pots as possible. Good pots, bad pots, shitty pots, whatever. The more pots you make, the higher your grade.

The other half of the class were told, “you can make only one pot”. But that pot had to be perfect. The quality had to be high; the highest quality pot would get the best mark.

But when it came to the grading, they noticed something weird.

All the best quality pots were in the ‘quantity’ group.

The guys who were literally churning out pots, trying to make as many as possible, not concentrating on the quality. But every pot they made, made them better at making pots. By the end of the month (I think it was a month) - they had some pretty awesome pots coming out, because they enjoying finding all the ways and all the things they could do to make all their pots. Where as the ‘quality’ guys had spent their time reading up on pots, and technique, and researching and planning; which was all great but they’d had no further practice at actually making pots.

The best way to get really good at something, the only way to be really good at something, is to make lots of shitty attempts at that thing several of which will fail. If all you create are perfect things then you won’t improve, because how can you improve on perfect?



When you learned of the god of war, you thought he’d be tall and muscular and angry. When you were about to meet him, you braced    yourself for the worst.

You weren’t quite expecting the short, scrawny, shy kid you ended up getting instead.


Olive skin, black hair, skinny, dirty face with pale lines where tears had sliced through the ash and dust. A white chiton dress and a threadbare shawl draped over her shoulders.

A pair of wings - huge, black vulture wings, far too large on her tiny body - were the only things that suggested she was divine.

The general shifted his weight from foot to foot. Obviously respect had to be given to gods, but… “Er - I’m sorry, I was invoking Ares? The god of war?”

The child god shrunk in on herself, and pulled the shawl over her shoulders. She muttered something. “Sorry?” the general asked.

“Ares is the god of slaughter,” the child god said in a slightly louder voice. “Not war.”

The general looked at the priest. The priest shrugged, clearly lost at sea. “Well,” the general said, “then maybe Athena? Goddess of tactics in war?”

“Tactics,” the child god repeated. “Not war.”

There was a long, ugly silence, as the huge vulture wings shifted with the whisper of brushing feathers. “My name is - was - Iphigenia. Daughter of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, commander of the Greeks who stormed the walls of Troy. When my father disgraced Artemis, and the winds of Greece would not blow her battleships to Troy, I was brought to Aulis. For my wedding, I was told. I was-”

She sobbed. Teardrops dribbled off her chin and fell to the temple floor. “I was fourteen. And then I was brought to the highest altar in Aulis, and - and then - and-”

Another sob. “I was fourteen,” she said.

The vulture wings draped over her, and she disappeared under the cloak of black feathers. When they parted, and when the child god looked up at the general, he fell backwards. Those eyes. Eyes he’d seen a thousand times in battle -

“I am the true spirit of war, general,” the child god said. “I am the goddess of bloodshed, of sacrifice, of the slaughter of innocents. I am invoked when men ravage, burn and pillage. I am invoked when mothers cry out, when sons die, when daughters are stolen. I hear it all, general. I have heard it all since the fall of Troy.”

The terrible wings opened up. The child god loomed over the fallen man, twenty, thirty feet tall. Somewhere, the priest was screaming. “How dare you call upon my name.”

ChatGPT, într-o conversație cu mine de anul nou, la un moment la care deja bateam câmpii:

There once was a programmer named Todd

Whose code was so clean, it was odd

He worked hard every day

But one night he did pray

And found God, which was quite a façade

He'd never believed in a higher power

But in that moment, he felt a shower

Of love and compassion

Which filled his passion

And changed him in that fateful hour

Now Todd codes with purpose and meaning

And his work is no longer demeaning

He spreads love and joy

To all the girls and boys

Thanks to his newfound belief in God's healing

Wiliam Blake

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower 

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand 

And Eternity in an hour."

DACĂ, Rudyard Kipling, traducere de Dan Duţescu

Dacă eşti calm, cînd toţi se pierd cu firea

În jurul tău, şi spun că-i vina ta;

De crezi în tine, chiar cînd Omenirea

Nu crede, dar îi crezi şi ei cumva;

De ştii s-aştepţi, dar fără tevatură;

De nu dezminţi minciuni minţind, ci drept;

De nu răspunzi la ură tot cu ură

Şi nici prea bun nu pari, nici prea-nţelept;

Dacă visezi – dar nu-ţi faci visul astru;

De poţi să speri – dar nu-ţi faci jindul ţel;

De-ntîmpini şi Triumful şi Dezastrul

Mereu senin şi în acelaşi fel;

Dacă suporţi să-ţi vezi vorba sucită

De şarlatan, ce-ţi spurcă al tău rost;

De poţi ca munca vieţii, năruită,

S-o faci de la-nceput precum a fost;

Dacă-ndrăzneşti agonisita-ţi toată

S-o pui, făr’a clipi, pe-un singur zar

Şi, dac-o pierzi, să-ncepi ca prima dată

Făr-să te plîngi cu un oftat măcar;

De ştii, cu nerv, cu inimă, cu vînă,

Drept să rămîi, cînd ele june nu-s,

Şi stai tot dîrz, cînd nu mai e stăpînă

Decît Voinţa ce le ţine sus;

Dacă-ntre Regi ţi-e firea neschimbată

Ca şi-n Mulţime – nu străin de ea;

Amic sau nu, de nu pot să te-abată;

De toţi de-ţi pasă, dar de nimeni prea;

Dacă ţi-e dat, prin clipa zdrobitoare,

Să treci şi s-o întreci, mereu bonom,

atunci: a ta e Lumea asta mare

şi, mai mult, fiul meu: atunci – eşti Om

Principiile doctrinei de protecție a vehiculelor blindate:

Evită întâlnirea

(dacă nu ai reușit) Evită detecția

(dacă nu ai reușit) Evită să fii țintit

(dacă nu ai reușit) Evită să fii lovit

(dacă nu ai reușit) Blochează lovitura

(dacă nu ai reușit) Evită scoaterea din funcțiune

Emil Stan, postare pe Facebook:

"Banalitatea răului și educația

Hannah Arendt are o sintagmă formidabilă: banalitatea răului

Răul nu este gigantic, răul nu este extra-ordinar, răul nu depășește granițele normalului

Răul se adăpostește alături de noi, are ochelari și mânecuțe, scrie proceduri și verifică respectarea precisă a rubricilor din tabele

Răul uită de copiii de la sate și de școlile de la sate

Răul taie banii de manuale și de căldură și de toalete și de burse și de excursii

Răul vrea condici de prezență, procese verbale cu semnături pentru orice fleac și, în genere, ignoră cu totul fondul de dragul formei

Răul vrea re-forme, cu cât mai multe cu atât mai bine – totul poate fi re-format ad infinitum doar pentru a nu se coagula binele

Răul lucrează prin părinții care cumpără indulgențe pentru copiii lor, pregătind cu metodă o viitoare diplomă fără acoperire în competențe

Răul lucrează prin profesorii care recurg la orice pretext doar pentru a nu-și face treaba

Răul vrea examene formal corecte dar îl doare în cot de conținutul lor și de consecințele lor și de cei care le organizează (dacă respectă procedurile) și de cei care le susțin

Răul schimbă curriculumul (el îi zice curriculă) dar uită de copii și de profesori și de viitor

Răul nu este în slujba nimănui dar are favoriți și fani (care sunt „consecințele” sale)

Răul este banal pentru că împarte ziua cu noi, străduindu-se să strice orice început al binelui"

Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventurers in Wonderland:

"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Allan MacDonald, the law of the 7 R's: 

"Always do the right thing for the right reason at the right time with the right people. [And] you will have no regrets for the rest of your life."

Shane Falco, The Replacements:

"Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever."

Ambassador Londo Mollari:

"Ah, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package. How efficient of you!"

Margaret Thatcher, cuvintare la conferinta Partidului Conservator:

“We are all unequal. No one, thank heavens, is like anyone else . . . We believe that everyone has the right to be unequal but to us every human being is equally important.”

Walt Whitman, A song of joys, din volumul Leaves of grass, 1881-1882:

"O to struggle against great odds, to meet enemies undaunted!

To be entirely alone with them, to find how much one can stand!

To look strife, torture, prison, popular odium, face to face!

To mount the scaffold, to advance to the muzzles of guns with

perfect nonchalance!

To be indeed a God!"

Poezie pentru copii culeasă de James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps în 1842:

"Solomon Grundy,

Born on a Monday,

Christened on Tuesday,

Married on Wednesday,

Took ill on Thursday,

Grew worse on Friday,

Died on Saturday,

Buried on Sunday,

That was the tale,

Of Solomon Grundy"







Bleach, Invasion:

"To every man there is a cause which he would gladly die for.

Defend the right to have a place to which he can belong to.

And every man will fight with his bare hands in desperation.

And shed his blood to stem the flood, to barricade invasion."

Zack Whittaker, Zero day, octombrie 2014:

"Throwing out that poor attempt of an excuse that you have "nothing to hide" just doesn't work. It never has, and it never will. It's lazy, naive, and borderline idiotic. Everyone has something to hide."

Robert Jeffrey Zimmer, presedintele Universitatii din Chicago:

"Universities cannot be viewed as a sanctuary for comfort but rather as a crucible for confronting ideas and thereby learning to make informed judgments in complex environments. Having one's assumptions challenged and experiencing the discomfort that sometimes accompanies this process are intrinsic parts of an excellent education. Only then will students develop the skills necessary to build their own futures and contribute to society."


"The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but the ability to keep your mouth shut in any language is priceless."


Programming Style and Your Brain. Douglas Crockford, Yahoo! Senior JavaScript Architect:

"We’re making all of this complicated stuff with the brains of hunters and gatherers. Nothing in our evolutionary experience has prepared us for programming and it’s a miracle we can do it at all."

Douglas Crockford, Yahoo! Senior JavaScript Architect:

"[Programmers] like to think we spend most of our time power typing. “Yeah, I’m being productive, I’m writing programs!” But we don’t. We spend most of our time looking into the abyss, saying “My God, what have I done? How am I ever going to make this work?” Once we figure it out, we forget that we did all of that … A normal person, once they’ve looked into the abyss, would say I’m done, this is stupid, I’m going to go do something else. But not us, because there’s something really wrong with us."

Patrick Jane, the Mentalist S04E09:

"When you are dead, you are dead. Until then, there is icecream"

Batmanuel, The Tick, episodul 4:

"- In my experience, there is only one guaranteed way to ever really know the truth. You must create it yourself.

 - And how do you do that?

- You lie!"


"numa’ cand eram mic eram suficient de tampit sa cred ca e pierdere de timp sa dormi dupa amiaza"


"La școală mă plictisesc teribil pentru că scriu mult  […] iar limbajul este unul academic, nicidecum unul student-friendly, care să te facă să-ți dorești să descoperi mai mult.

Da kear asa bos, pai tu vi ku formulare dasta komplexa kare sa nu inteleaga ominii? Pai, asta majuta pe min in veatza?"

Taxi și prietenii: 

"Dumnezeu preferă lemnul / Lemnul și spațiile mici"

Al Bundy: 

"I'm going to sit down and watch the news, and when it's all over I want some form of dead animal on my plate."



The Operative: "Do you know what your sin is Mal?"

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: "Ah Hell... I'm a fan of all seven. But right now... I'm gonna have to go with wrath."

Rivett Clutchpop, Boom bait:

"I have yet to face a crisis that couldn't be fixed with dynamite."

Zaraki Kenpachi, Bleach, 51:

"Sanity, huh?

I don't even remember having a thing like that to start with."

Octavian Goga, fragment din Jurnal, 1916: 

„Ţară de secături, ţară minoră, căzută ruşinos la examenul de capacitate în faţa Europei… Aici ne-au adus politicienii ordinari, hoţii improvizaţi astăzi în moralişti, miniştrii care s-au vândut o viaţă întreagă, deputaţii contrabandişti… Nu ne prăbuşim nici de numărul duşmanului, nici de armamentul lui, boala o avem în suflet, e o epidemie înfricoşătoare de meningită morală.” (Jurnal, 1916).

Lucian Vasilescu, cuvânt înainte la "Țara mea, viața mea, dragostea mea – despre modesta mea ratare personală":

"Pe cand eram eu tanar si la trup (si gand) curat, abia dadea coltul manelei si dansa era atat de mica incat n-aveam cum banui ce-o sa devina cand se va face mare. Acum, cand nu mai sunt nici tanar, nici curat, maneaua s-a intins pretutindeni, acoperind noi si noi teritorii. A inceput ca un soi de muzica, acum a devenit un loc comun. E pretutindeni, in toate puterile si in toate cotloanele statului. Pana si cainii, indeosebi „cainii de paza ai democratiei”, latra si ei, tot in ritm de manea, pe texte de toata jalea si suspinul. Atat de grozav a crescut maneaua romaneasca, incat daca mai-marii zilei ar avea inspiratia sa schimbe imnul national cu o manea, nimeni nu i-ar mai gresi cuvintele. Avem, in brava noastra Republica Manelista, manea politica, manea executiva, manea judecatoreasca, manea administrativa, manea media. Avem cladiri in forma de manea, avem o manea a infrastructurii, una a privatizarii, alta a sindicatelor, una a invatamantului si o alta a asistentei sociale, avem maneaua ocrotirii sanatatii si maneaua mediului, avem maneaua de la pagina cinci, maneaua talk-show-ului si manea parlamentara, o manea a proscrisilor si una a celor care se dau cu masini care costa mult mai mult decat pana unde stiu proprietarii lor sa numere."

Teh Gladiators, 252:

"If I had a psychotic ape, how joyous life would be! 

I would murder annoying people and let the quiet ones be! 

If I had a psychotic ape, all the colors would return! 

I'd have him eat the ugly ones and let the stupid ones burn! 

Oh violent ape, where art thee?! 

For I love a primate who prefers mangled faces to a banana tree!"


"That which does not kill me, better find a good place to hide"

Sir Walter Scott, Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17:

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave

When first we practice to deceive."

Stelian Fuia, ministrul roman al agriculturii:

"Pregatirea mea a fost continua si o continui in continuare"

Unnamed orc clan chief, Teh Gladiators, 317:

"I propose we have a sanity roll! Whoever rolls the lowest number is insane!"

Anonim, citat dintr-un mass ppt:

"Unii beau din fântâna cunoaşterii. Alţii fac gargară."

Anonim, citat dintr-un mass ppt:

"Ştii că lumea s-a întors pe dos când cel mai bun rapper este alb, cel mai bun jucător de golf este negru şi cel mai înalt baschetbalist din NBA este chinez."

Anonim, citat dintr-un mass ppt:

"Un nou studiu guvernamental, finanţat prin fonduri europene şi desfăşurat pe o perioadă de 10 ani, a concluzionat că trei sferturi din populaţia României înseamnă 75% din populaţie."

Chuck Lorre, vanity card no.1:

"I believe that what doesn't kill us makes us bitter."

Chuck Lorre, vanity card no.2:

"I believe I've spent my life expecting people to behave in a certain way. I believe that when they didn't behave according to my expectations, I became angry, sad, confused and occasionally fearful. I believe these expectations are the reason I've been angry, sad, confused and occasionally fearful more than I care to admit. As a result, I now believe my expectations are the real problem. I believe that everyone has this very same problem, and they ought to start acting accordingly."

Chuck Lorre, vanity card no.3:

"I believe that if I rid myself of insatiable cravings, lusts, paranoia, deep-seated anger and ill-will towards others, I'll be a much better person."

Chuck Lorre, vanity card no.5:

"Weltschmerz is a German word which loosely means "world suffering deriving from the inevitability of reality to never match up with our expectations." Boy, only the Germans could come up with a word like that."

Chuck Lorre, vanity card no.45:

"Dear me,

Over the years, I have resented you for not being athletic enough, brave enough, funny enough, smart enough, talented enough, handsome enough, rich enough, admired enough, educated enough, New York enough, out-going enough, quiet enough, old enough, young enough, loving enough and loved enough. I have demanded perfection from you and have found you wanting. The result of this obsession with perfection has been to make you terrified of failure and ridicule, angry at any and all obstacles, and finally, incapable of enjoying the bounty that was not only around you, but within you as well. Well, all that's about to change. From now on, I'm going to make every effort to love and accept you as you are. But since bad habits die hard, I'll start with something easy. From now on, you're old enough.



Chuck Lorre, vanity card no.69:

"I recently pierced the veil of a long-standing delusion which I had considered to be reality. The delusion was simply this: I thought people were deeply aware of me. I thought the things going on in my life -- my work, relationships, problems, joys, thoughts, insights, attitudes, tastes, desires, fears, good hair days, bad hair days, choice of pants (that's right, choice of pants), etc. ad delusium, were all of some significance to other people. I'm not certain, but I think the delusion is a twisted sort of family heirloom, a neurotic hand-me-down of the fiercely-held immigrant desire to fit in, to be acceptable. Be that as it may, the impact of this hallucination has been a constant state of low-grade anxiety. While it's still a little early to tell, it appears that freedom from it will create an enormous sense of relief and... well... freedom. You people out there, kind and considerate though you may be, don't really give a rat's ass about my life. You give a rat's ass about your life. This means I need no longer obsess over what others think of me (they don't). This means that I am, much to my amazement, more or less invisible. But most importantly, this means that I can begin living a fearless, delusion-free life that is fundamentally true to my basic, God-given nature. All that's left to do is discover what kind of pants my basic, God-given nature looks good in."

Autor necunoscut. Sursa: o conversatie a lui Mircea Badea din 2011:

"Ce faci, Mircea?"

"Imit o branza."


"Stau si put."

Generalul german Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord scria in 1933:

"Imi impart ofiterii in patru categorii: cei destepti, cei lenesi, cei harnici si cei prosti. Fiecare ofiter poseda doua dintre aceste calitati. Cei care sunt inteligenti si harnici sunt potriviti pentru functii inalte. De asemenea se poate gasi o intrebuintare si pentru cei care sunt prosti si lenesi. Pe de alta parte omul care este inteligent si lenes este potrivit pentru cele mai inalte functii de comanda: are si temperamentul si nervii de a face fata tuturor situatiilor. Dar oricine este prost si harnic este o amenintare si trebuie eliminat imediat!"

Site creat la 25 ianuarie 2010.