Live Sound

With over 35 years of experience providing live sound reinforcement for concerts, theatre productions and corporate events, tucsonsound can meet all your live production needs.

Past artists we've worked with include the Flaming Lips, the Goo Goo Dolls and Charlieonnafriday, as well as events for Gabrielle Giffords and Arts Express.


16 Input Music Stage

(4) Shure SM58

(4) Shure SM57

(2) Shure SM81

(1) Shure Beta 52A

(3) Sennheiser e904

(2) Countryman Type 85 DI

8 Input Theater Stage

(8) Sennheiser ew300 G3 Wireless Receivers/Transmitter Packs

(8) Sennheiser ME2 Omni Lavaliers


Behringer XR18 

Apple iPad

Stereo Mains + 4 Monitors

(4) Community RS220 3-way Mains

Carver 2.0t Amplifier

(4) Peavey QW118 Subwoofers

Behringer NU4-6000 Amplifier

(3) Custom 1x12 Monitors

Custom 2x15 Drum Monitor

Behringer NX4-6000 Amplifier