Tucsonitarian Page 2

UUCT Welcomes New Members!

Our congregation has four new members this month:

Jackie Wright

Benjamin Wright

Angela Ontiveroz

Alma Byrd

Let’s all of us seek out these new folks and make them feel welcome!

UUCT Finance Report

by Margot Garcia - VP Finance

July 1 starts a new fiscal year and we will be operating according to the budget adopted at our Annual Meeting in April. A copy of the detailed budget has been posted on the UUCT website.

In May, we deposited $38,679.16 and withdrew $60,030.41 for a negative net of $21,351.25. We were able to cover this shortfall without resorting to credit reserve because of the balance we had built up in the checking account over the last several months. The big shortfall can be attributed to several things: this was a three-payroll month accounting for over $11,000; some checks written in April were not cashed until May; the final bills for the search committee were paid off (total $9,506.96). The first June deposit was for $16,000, so that will bring the checking balance of $6,000 to $22,000, more where we like it. The restricted funds in the money market are at $39,140.54, savings holding the capital campaign fund are $5,917.30, and the Endowment Fund is at $49,293.44.

Reah Barrows, a long-time and loyal member, gave UUCT a $20,000 bequest some months ago. The Board asked the Finance Committee (FC) for advice on spending it. The FC discussed all the many needs the building has for repair and maintenance. It has recommended the following expenditures, many of which have already been made:

Electrical panel upgrade $1,153

Goddard bathroom repair $1,627

Painting RE classrooms $3,750

Re-carpeting RE classrooms $4,358

Total $10,888

We plan to send $5,000 to our Endowment Fund, leaving $4,112 for another building project.

The “Share the Plate” program has been very successful this year. Here is the report:

January - Sister Jose Women’s Shelter $292.50

February – NAMI $384.75

March – UUJAZ $479.98

April – Sierra Club Foundation $106.56

May – Hermitage Cat Shelter $380.00

June – SAZCUUPS $117.06

We have entered the electronic age for check deposits. The church will be processing checks on site and sending the information electronically to the bank. We will hold the cancelled checks for 2 years.

The Church is able to take donations of stock to fulfill pledges or as donations or gifts. Please see Margot Garcia or Byron Skinner for details.

We continue to investigate the pros and cons of having the ability to donate using a QR code and/or by text. There are costs associated with each method.

Please keep sending in your pledge payments. They are especially important in the summer months when people go on vacation and regular routines are disrupted.


School Supplies

Gifts Of Love Backpack and School Supply Drive (ICS): Help children in need get a good start to the school year! Donate backpacks and school supplies for students in grades K-12. Donations accepted NOW THROUGH JULY 27. Most needed supplies can be found by clicking here.

Donations may be dropped off at the church during office hours or on Sundays. Please contact Marsha Newcomb, ICS Faith Council Representative for UUCT if you have further questions: marshanewcomb@gmail.com.

Help Needed! Monsoon Season Approaches

Monsoon is here! Pima Emergency Management now has sand bags available at Reid Park. Each vehicle can get 10 bags. You need to bring your own shovel to fill the bags. If you have a truck, and a strong back, we could use some volunteers to bring some sandbags to the church before the rains hit. They can be dropped off anytime behind the Holland Sanctuary. Please let Mary know if you can help: mwiese@uuctucson.org

Summer Religious Education News

by Jamili Omar

Summer brings a new format for classes in RE. We will be combining ages to provide 2 options for kids 5-19. Older youth can pick which class they prefer -- and change their mind every week!

Nursery: Open to children from birth to 10 years old, we offer a loving and stimulating environment for the very youngest in our church family. Our nursery, staffed by paid and trained caregivers, gives our little ones a place to move around and play with people their size! Parents are welcome to stay with their children. King Room (In the Children's Courtyard)

Makers: Open to youth 5 to 19 years old, Makers will face a different challenge every week! Students will explore their own beliefs about big ideas such as welcome, kindness, courage, and beauty through creations of their own devising. Art, movement, construction, and music will be our inspiration and expression. Servetus Room (In the Children's Courtyard)

Leaders: Open to youth 12 to 19 years old, the Leaders program will explore leadership -- their own and that of others -- through TED Talks, discussion and service to the congregation. Emerson Room (The Orange Room in Goddard Hall)

New RE Teacher Training

I will be offering a New Teacher/Substitute Training later in the summer, so if you're interested in teaching RE, but haven't contacted me yet, there is still time!

Young Adult Meetup

Do you identify as a young adult? Would you like to meet up with other UU young adults? The first meetup was a smashing success and the group looks forward to many more! To stay in the loop make sure that Janice (Janicesignin@gmail.com) or Jamili (DRE.UUCT@gmail.com) has your email or join us on Facebook by searching Tucson UU Younger Adults (TUUYA).

Share the Plate Report

by Carolyn Saunders

Through the generosity of the members and friends of this congregation, we donated a total of $1983.33 to various organizations between January and June of 2018. Thank you all for this support.

Volunteers at Sister Jose Women's Center. July's share the plate awardee.

Voting was completed for the coming church year's Share the Plate recipients, and the following organizations were chosen:

Sister Jose Women's Center

The Academy (School for Children with Autism)

Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network

Arizona's Children Association

SoAz Gender Alliance

El Rio Community Health Center

Clinica Amistad

Interfaith Community Services

Southern Arizona Community Food Bank

No More Deaths

UU Justice Arizona (UUJAZ)

Reveille Men's Chorus

We will share the plate with Sister Jose Women's Center on July 29 when Jean Fedigan, Executive Director of SJWC, will be our Sunday service speaker. This organization is dedicated to the care and nurture of homeless women in a welcoming and safe environment.

They operate a daytime drop-in center that provides 3 meals a day, showers and laundry, clothing and shoes, and personal hygiene products for the women they serve. The need for daytime services continues to grow with an average of 2000+ guests each month. In addition they are now able to offer year-round emergency shelter for 36 women every night of the year.

Be sure to join us on July 29 to learn more about how SJWC shares the UU value of the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals. Help support their mission with your generous donations.

On Share the Plate Sundays, half of all non-pledge donations go to the designated organization. Be sure to write "share the plate" or "pledge" in the memo line if you write a check.


SAZCUUPS would like to congratulate our logo contest winner, Jezi Hayhoe, and to thank all of the entrants who submitted logos. We have a very talented group!

We held two events in June: A Potluck + Divination Round Table + Tool & Book Swap on June 9. We also collected useful books for the Davis Monthan chaplain's library at this event. (A previous chaplain purged all Pagan items.) Our Midsummer ritual on June 19 was led by Druid David Foster and attended by 25 people.

We have three events coming up:

July 11

On July 11th from 6-8pm, Julie and Carrie have an open dress rehearsal for our stint as guest ministers at the Chautauqua (NY) UU Fellowship. Our topic is UU Paganism. Please join us! We need to practice with a friendly audience. Your feedback is welcome. Email Mary at mwiese@uuctucson.org to request childcare. Bring a snack to share and whatever you want to drink.

July 28

We’re taking a field trip to the Tucson Botanical Garden on July 28th at 2pm. See the event page on Facebook for information about economical admission options for the Garden. Childcare is not available for this event since we are not at UUCT. https://www.facebook.com/events/214880559242103/

August 1

On August 1st from 6-8pm, we’ll celebrate the first harvest ritual, Lughnasadh. SAZCUUPS members Leigh and Jackson Mileur will be leading this ritual. Email Mary at mwiese@uuctucson.org to request childcare. Bring a snack to share and whatever you want to drink.

More Classes Offered

Safe Sitter Class

Sunday August 5, 12:00-5:30,

Pizza lunch included!

Safe Sitter® is designed to prepare students in grades 6-8 to be safe when they're home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. The Instructor-led class is filled with fun games and role-playing exercises. Students learn:

Safety Skills: Students learn how to prevent unsafe situations and what to do when faced with dangers such as power failures or weather emergencies.

Child Care Skills: Students learn tips to manage behavior that will help them stay in control of themselves and the children in their care. Students also learn the ages and stages of child development, as well as practice diapering.

First Aid & Rescue Skills: Learning skills such as choking rescue and CPR is often the students' favorite part of the class. Students also learn a system to help them assess and respond to injuries and illnesses.

Life & Business Skills: The ability to screen jobs, discuss fees, and greet employers will set students up for success now and in the future. Students practice these skills through various role plays.

The fee for the Safe Sitter Class will be $75, and scholarships are available.

Please contact Mary Wiese to register: mwiese@uuctucson.org

Belly Dancing!

Come and move your body to rhythms from the Middle East and/or Americanized alterations of melodies with friends! We'll be doing/learning belly dancing and having a great time together in the Servetus room, Wednesdays at 4:30. All genders welcome. Contact Liz at lizravenwood@gmail.com for any questions and/or suggestions.