

TVGC is grateful for our generous supporters, including:

Al's Garden & Home:

TVGC is so grateful for ALL the generous support from Al's including:

"Al's is a critical community resource for gardeners and our key corporate supporter. Their gift certificates especially add to the success and fun of our photo and growing competitions!" -Greg Lum

Blooming Junction donated a $50 Gift certificate for our annual Harvest Festival. They also sometimes present at our meetings and share excellent gardening tips. 

"Many thanks to Blooming Junction nursery for their support of our club by donating a generous gift card to be used as the grand prize at our Harvest Festival.  They are located on Cornelius-Schefflin road. Stop by and browse through their great selection of plants. You might find something that would be perfect for your garden."  -Betty Vandecoevering

David Buchanan of Hillsboro:

David kindly donated 50-100 sticks in each size 8,6,4 and 3-foot lengths of bamboo for sale at our summer 2023 farmer's market.

"The bamboo was a fun and practical addition to our offerings at the market." -Stephanie Clift


TVGC is proud to support the community in many ways, including:

Maintaining the cherished community treasure, Lloyd Baron Rhododendron Garden in Hillsboro. TVGC leaders Arden Sheets and Jerry Maasdam started a montly maintenance program for our club volunteers about 10 years ago.

Lloyd, an OSU Extension Agent and gardening expert with TVGC, was the inspiration and driving force behind the garden, to honor Rhododendrons as the official flower of the city of Hillsboro

"Lloyd was there with our club and the Rhododendron Society to plant the flowers in 2001. He walked around and supervised everybody, making sure the newly planted flowers weren't going to drown. He was great. I don't think he ever got impatient with the dumbest questions you could ask." -Jerry Maasdam

Judging horticulture projects and donating cash awards for top entries to our local 4-H program for the Washington County Fair in July. Pictured left: TVGC members Colleen Hampton and Greg Lum judging containers.

"We like seeing the sprouts of the next generation bloom into future gardeners." -Andrew Stone

Donations supporting Blue and Gold Star Memorial markers in Oregon in association with OSFGC and National Garden Clubs, Inc. 

Maintaining a lovely garden plot at Sonrise Community Garden in Hillsboro

"The joy of teaching is why we keep up this garden. We enjoy sharing gardening knowledge with the other gardeners." -Thim Baker

Supporting local gardening programs including Bridlemile Elementary School, the American Legion and Grow Portland with gardening expertise and donated seeds. Pictured left: Roger Livingston with Max Krieger of Grow Portland.

"The work of Grow Portland is important and fun for kids and communities."   -Roger Livingston


TVGC members are generous supporters of our communities in many ways: 

Melodie Bowman - Donates cucumber and pepper plants to the Giving Garden and cucumbers to the North Plains Senior Center. She also donated hundreds of pounds of tomatoes to Meals on Wheels.

"I'm happy to feed those who don't have gardens of their own."

Thim Baker - Donates fresh vegetables to Salvation Army and the Washington County Food bank

"I enjoy helping where I can."

Erlee Pennington - Donates plants to local schools for a fundraiser.

"I'm happy to support local children and share my garden!"

Hal Ballard - Donates proceeds from his Farmer's Market sales to help Washco Bikes, which he helped start, with their charity outreach. 

"I enjoy getting more kids on bikes!"

Donna Soderberg  - Runs the pantry for the Hillsboro chapter of Western Farm Workers Association

"WFWA works tirelessly for these hardworking agricultural workers and the local hispanic community."

Greg Lum - Donates cut flowers from his garden beds for the 4-H flower arranging contests for fairs at Washington and Clackamas counties. 

"I appreciate the 4-Hers creativity and enthusiasm when they're arranging flowers at the county fair's flower arranging contest."

Roger Livingston - Donates tomato plants and gardening time to Bridlemile Elementary School for fundraisers and to the community garden.

"I enjoy supporting the kids and encouraging gardening."