
I am an assistant professor in the Department of Information Systems & Analytics of the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. 

This is my  CV.

Working Papers

Price Competition Under Information (Dis)advantage, with Hsin-Tien Tsai.

Consequences of Dynamic Pricing in Competitive Airline Markets, with Przemyslaw Jeziorski, R&R at RAND Journal of Economics.

Demand Estimation and Forecasting using Cognitive Models of Consumer Choice, with John Clithero and Ming Hsu.

The Economic Impact of China's Anti-Corruption Campaign, with Zemin Zhong. 

Experience and Identity-driven Consumer Choice: Evidence from China, with Lei Huang and Zemin Zhong. 


Steering Via Algorithmic Recommendation, with Hsin-Tien Tsai, forthcoming at RAND Journal of Economics.

History and Country-of-Origin Effects, with Zemin Zhong, 2023, Marketing Science, 43(1):192-212.