Correlated Quantum Materials Simulation Group


Welcome to the correlated quantum materials simulation group. Our group focuses on developing and utilizing numerical approaches to simulate and study emergent phenomena in correlated quantum materials, including unconventional superconductivity and correlation-induced phase transition. In our group, you will learn how to simulate material properties using density functional theory and incorporate electron-electron and electron-phonon correlations utilizing quantum many-body approaches. You will also learn practical computational programming skills, e.g., Python, C++, Fortran, and relevant training.

(Note: the MSc and PhD students have to pass Quantum Mechanics I and II before their oral exam)

歡迎來到關聯性量子材料模擬組。我們專注於發展及應用數值方法來模擬及研究關聯性量子材料中的物理現象,例如非常規超導體,強關聯效應產生的材料相變。在我們的組裡,你會學到用密度泛函理論來模擬材料的性質,以及使用量子多體方法來模擬材料中的電子-電子間以及電子-聲子間的強關聯現象。此外,你也會學到實用的程式撰寫及編譯方法,例如Python, C++, Fortran等語言。
