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¥newenvironment{proof}[1][Proof]{¥textbf{#1.} }{¥ ¥rule{0.5em}{0.5em}}

¥newenvironment{proofThm}[1][Proof of the theorem]{¥textbf{#1.} }{¥ ¥rule{0.5em}{0.5em}}

¥newenvironment{remark}[1][Remark]{¥textbf{#1.} }







¥def¥vect#1{¥mbox{¥boldmath $#1$}}

¥def¥C{¥mathbb{ C}}

¥def¥R{¥mathbb{ R}}

¥def¥Z{¥mathbb{ Z}}



¥newcommand{¥pardif}[2]{¥frac{¥partial #1}{¥partial #2}}

¥newcommand{¥orddif}[2]{¥frac{¥mathrm{d} #1}{¥mathrm{d} #2}}


¥newcommand{¥ddotd}[4]{¥dd #1_{#2_{#3}}¥wedge ¥cdots ¥wedge ¥dd #1_{#2_{#4}}}


¥newcommand{¥braket}[1]{¥left¥langle #1 ¥right¥rangle}

¥newcommand{¥bra}[1]{¥left¥langle #1 ¥right|}

¥newcommand{¥ket}[1]{¥left| #1 ¥right¥rangle}

¥newcommand{¥set}[2]{¥left¥{ #1¥big¥vert #2 ¥right¥}}


¥newcommand{¥ve}[1]{ ¥boldsymbol #1}


¥newcommand{¥unit}[3]{#1¥times 10^{#2}[¥mathrm{#3}]}



¥newcommand{¥sla}[1]{¥rlap{¥kern .15em /}#1}






¥def¥ann#1#2#3{{¥it Ann.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥ajp#1#2#3{{¥it Am.¥ J.¥ Phys.} {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥cmp#1#2#3{{¥it Commun.¥ Math.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥jgp#1#2#3{{¥it J.¥ Geom.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥jmp#1#2#3{{¥it J.¥ Math.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥jpA#1#2#3{{¥it J.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf A{#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥ijmp#1#2#3{{¥it Int.¥ J.¥ Mod.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf A{#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥ijtp#1#2#3{{¥it Int.¥ J.¥ Theor.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥lmp#1#2#3{{¥it Lett.¥ Math.¥ Phys.} {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥mplA#1#2#3{{¥it Mod.¥ Phys.¥ Lett.}¥ {¥bf A{#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥mplB#1#2#3{{¥it Mod.¥ Phys.¥ Lett.}¥ {¥bf B{#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥nat#1#2#3{{¥it Nature} {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥ncB#1#2#3{{¥it Nuovo Cimento} {¥bf {#1}B} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥ncD#1#2#3{{¥it Nuovo Cimento} {¥bf {#1}D} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥njp#1#2#3{{¥it New¥ J.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥np#1#2#3{{¥it Nucl.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥npB#1#2#3{{¥it Nucl.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf B{#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥plA#1#2#3{{¥it Phys.¥ Lett.¥ A}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥plB#1#2#3{{¥it Phys.¥ Lett. ¥B}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥prp#1#2#3{{¥it Phys.¥ Rep.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥pr#1#2#3{{¥it Phys.¥ Rev.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥prA#1#2#3{{¥it Phys.¥ Rev.¥ A}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥Prb#1#2#3{{¥it Phys.¥ Rev.¥ B}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥prD#1#2#3{{¥it Phys.¥ Rev.¥ D}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥prl#1#2#3{{¥it Phys.¥ Rev.¥ Lett.}¥ {¥bf #1} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥ptp#1#2#3{{¥it Prog.¥ Theor.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥qip#1#2#3{{¥it Quant. Info. Proc.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥qic#1#2#3{{¥it Quant. Info. Comput.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥rmp#1#2#3{{¥it Rev.¥ Mod.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥zp#1#2#3{{¥it Z.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf {#1}} ({#2}) #3}

¥def¥zpc#1#2#3{{¥it Z.¥ Phys.}¥ {¥bf C{#1}} ({#2}) #3}



% Title Page

¥title{Here is the Title}

¥author{Tsubasa Ichikawa}

¥affiliation{Department of Physics, Gakushuin University, Tokyo 171-8588, Japan}



{¥it Here is the abstract :)}


¥pacs{¥it Here are pacs codes}





In this paper, we {¥it blah blah blah...}


¥section{blah blah blah}



In this section, we {¥it blah blah blah}.



This work is supported by {¥it blah blah blah}.








John Smith,



