To write beautiful papers and notes, use LaTeX. LaTeX is a document markup language that enables you to create professional-quality documents and that offers many features for displaying mathematical expressions.

An updated version of the presentation pdf from the LyX workshop on Wednesday, May 4 is available under "Attachments" below. Also available under "Attachments" is a zip file containing the lyx document, associated image file, and the pdf.

LaTeX Software

If you are new to LaTeX, consider starting with the software LyX. LyX offers an intuitive GUI environment that allows you to typeset in TeX without having to worry about all the code. LyX is quick to learn and easy to use. You can download LyX (free) from the LyX website:

A popular alternative for Mac users is TeXShop, available at the following website:

User Resources

Here is the first of a five-part video introduction to LyX:

The LyX Wiki hosts many helpful resources, including user manuals and LyX tutorials (see the left column, under "LyX Documentation"). There are also pages focused on LaTeX within LyX and BibTeX within LyX.

Graphics in TeX

See Professor Jacques Crémer's pdf under the "Attachments" section below for a short explanation on how to draw diagrams in LaTeX using the TikZ package.

A slide presentation explaining shortcuts, graphics, and slide presentations can be found on the "Tutorials" page of the LyX Wiki; the presentation is directly accessible via the following link: