Summer school on Relative Langlands Duality, June 3-5, 2024

Yiannis Sakellaridis, Relative Langlands Duality: A-side, Notes (Zhaolin)

David Ben-Zvi, Relative Langlands Duality: B-side, Notes (Jianqiao), Notes (Sanath)

Chen Wan and  Lei Zhang, Relative Langlands Duality, Examples, Slides

Hiraku Nakajima

Lecture 1: Introduction to a mathematical definition of Coulomb branches, Notes (Nakajima)

Lecture 2: Ring objects in the derived Satake category, Notes (Nakajima)

Notes for all talks, Notes (Avi)

Workshop on classical, geometric and physics aspects of the Relative Langlands program, June 6-8, 2024

Hiraku Nakajima, Cherkis bow varieties as examples of S-dual hamiltonian varieties, Notes (Nakajima)

Xiao Wang, Kashiwara Crystals in Endoscopy, Slides

Zhilin Luo, Nonabelian Fourier kernels for SL_2 and GL_2, Slides

Ruotao Yang, On the Gaiotto conjecture, Slides

Notes for all talks, Notes (Avi)