Current Academic Position

February 2021-                                                  

Associate Professor, University of Ioannina, Department of Economics

Academic Experience

February 2021-now                                                  

Associate Professor, University of Ioannina, Department of Economics

October 2018-now

Adjunct Academic Staff, Hellenic Open University (HOU) , School of Social Sciences 

March 2015- February 2021 

Assistant Professor, University of Ioannina, Department of Economics

June 2010- March 2015

Lecturer, University of Ioannina, Department of Economics 

October 2009- June 2010

Visiting Lecturer, University of Ioannina, Department of Economics

 February 2008- June 2009

Visiting Lecturer, University of Cyprus, Department of Economics

October 2007-January 2008 

Visiting Lecturer, Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of nternational and European Economic Studies, Erasmus Program  

October 2007-January 2008   

Visiting Lecturer, University of Central Greece, Department of Regional Economic Development   


B.A (Economics), University of Piraeus, Department of Economics,1994-1999.

M.Sc. (International Economics), Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Department of International and European Economic Studies,1999-2000.

Ph.D. (Economics), Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Department of International and European Economic Studies,2001-2007 (May 2006- May 2007, Military Obligations in the Greek Army).

Ph.D. Dissertation: Essays on International Trade and Environmental Protection.


Economic Theory, Canadian Journal of Economics, International Economic Review, International Tax and Public Finance, Economics Letters, Environmental and Resource Economics, Economics Bulletin, Economic Modelling, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, Environment and Development Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Review of International Economics, Review of World Economics, The Singapore Economic Review, Strategic Behavior and the Environment



ETSG 2023, 24rd  Annual Conference September 14-16 Guildford, UK, "Emission Markets Linkage and Strategic Environmental Policy".

ETSG 2022, 23rd  Annual Conference September 08-10 Groningen, Netherlands, "A carbon leakage mitigation reform strategy: the role of border carbon adjustments ".

GCET20th 2019, Global Conference on Environmental Taxation, September 25-28 Limassol, Cyprus, "International Capital Taxation and Strategic Pollution Control".

IIPF 2019, 75th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Αύγουστος 21-23 Glasgow, Scotland, "On the Principles of Commodity Taxation under Interregional Externalities".

AMEF 2019, 5th Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance, April 22-23 Thessaloniki, Greece "Vertical Fiscal Externalities and Federal Tax-Transfers under Variable Factor Supplies".

ETSG 2018, 20th Annual Conference September 13-15 Warsaw, Poland, "On the structure of indirect taxes in the presence of consumption pollution".

APFC 2018, Athenian Policy Forum Conference, July 6-8 Piraeus, Greece,"Vertical Fiscal Externalities and Federal Tax-Transfers under Variable Factor Supplies".

EAERE 2017, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 28 June - 01 July Athens, Greece, "Coordinating trade and consumption tax reforms in the presence of consumption pollution".

ASSET 2016, Association of Southern European Economic Theorists Conference, November 10-12 Thessaloniki, Greece, "On the Efficiency of Destination and Origin Commodity Taxation in the Presence of Consumpion Generated Cross-Border Pollution".

APFC 2016, Athenian Policy Forum Conference, July 7-9 Athens, Greece,"Destination vs. Origin-based Commodity Taxation in Large Open Economies with Unemployment".

IMAEF 2016, Ioannina Meeting on Applied Economics and Finance, June 12-13 Corfu, Greece, "Destination vs. Origin-based Commodity Taxation in Large Open Economies with Unemployment".

ASSET 2015, Association of Southern European Economic Theorists Conference, November 12-14 Granada, Spain, "Destination vs. Origin-based Commodity Taxation in Large Open Economies with Unemployment".

ETSG 2015, 17th Annual Conference September 10-12 Paris, France "Emission Permits and Public Pollution Abatement: Can Decentralized Environmental Policies be Efficient?".

IIPF 2015, 71st Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Αύγουστος 20-23 Dublin, Ireland, "Cross-border Pollution, Capital Mobility and Efficient Decentralized Environmental Policies.

SERC 2015, Singapore Economic Review Conference, August 5-7, Singapore, "Tradable Emission Permits, Capital Mobility and Cross-border Pollution: A Welfare Ranking".

EAERE 2015, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, June 24-27 Helsinki, Finland, "Emission Permits and Public Pollution Abatement: Can decentralized Environmental Policies be Efficient?". 

ASSET 2014, Association of Southern European Economic Theorists Conference, November 6-8 Aix-en-Provence, France, "Centralized and Decentralized Environmental Policies, Capital Mobility and Public Pollution Abatement".

IIPF 2014, International Institute of Public Finance Annual Congress, August 20-23 Lugano, Switzerland, "Centralized and Decentralized Environmental Policies, Capital Mobility and Public Pollution Abatement".

WCERE 2014, World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, June 28 - July 2, Istanbul, Turkey,"Regionally vs Non-Regionally Tradable Emissions Permits under Capital Mobility and Cross-border Pollution". 

IMAEF 2014, Ioannina Meeting on Applied Economics and Finance, June 12-13 Corfu, Greece, "Regionally vs Non-Regionally Tradable Emissions Permits under Capital Mobility and Cross-border Pollution".

ETSG 2013, European Trade Study Group Conference, September 12-14 Birmingham, UK, "Regionally vs Non-Regionally Tradable Emissions Permits under Capital Mobility and Cross-border Pollution".

IIPF 2013, International Institute of Public Finance Annual Congress, August 22-25 Taormina, Sicily, Italy,"Regionally vs Non-Regionally Tradable Emissions Permits under Capital Mobility and Cross-border Pollution".

ASSET 2012, Association of Southern European Economic Theorists Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, "Strategic Environmental Policies under Public Good Provision".

EAERE 2012, 19th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, "Prices VS Quantities:Revisited".

ETSG 2011, European Trade Study Group Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, "Strategic Environmental Policies under Public Good Provision".

ETSG 2009, European Trade Study Group Conference, Rome, Italy, "Trade and Tax Reforms in a Cash-in-Advance Economy".

CRETE 2009, Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics, Tinos, Greece 2009, "Trade and Tax Reforms in a Cash-in-Advance Economy".

IMAEF 2009, Ioannina Meeting on Applied Economics and Finance, Ioannina, Greece, "Indirect Tax Reforms and Public Goods Under Imperfect Competition".

ETSG 2007, European Trade Study Group Conference, Athens, Greece, "Trade Liberalization, Foreign Aid, and Welfare under Unemployment and Cross-border Pollution".

ETSG 2005, European Trade Study Group Conference, Dublin, Ireland, "When Can Competition for Aid Reduce Pollution?".

CRETE 2004, Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics, Syros, Greece 2004, "Pollution, Capital Mobility and Tax Policies with Unemployment". 


Scholarship from National Scholarship Foundation (IKY).

Scholarship from Greek Ministry of Education and the European Union under the Irakleitos Research Fellowship Program.