

Troop 453 consistently engages in a variety of exciting, scout-led activities at both the troop and patrol level. Campouts are organized monthly, with each one having a different theme. Common themes over the past few years have included rock climbing, snow camping, kayaking, and horseback riding, to name a few. Regular troop and patrol meetings are also held on a regular basis.

Regular Meetings

Patrol meetings (PM): held twice per month at by each patrol; times and locations are scheduled by each patrol.

Troop meetings (TM): held on the first and third Wednesday every month; begin at 7:30 pm at Miller Middle School.

Court of Honor (COH): held quarterly (March, June, September, December) each year for scout advancements and achievements; Board of Review (BOR) due at least a month before the COH for advancing scouts to participate in COH

Board of Review (BOR): held monthly; please refer to the calendar for precise times and locations.

Campouts: held each month with varying themes; please refer to the calendar for precise times and locations.

Adult Meetings

Committee Meeting (CM): held on first Wednesday every month; begins at 7:30 pm at Miller Middle School.

Please refer to the troop calendar for upcoming troop activities.
